"Good evening, Yallabai. Hajia and Alhaji came today and told me that I should ask you to meet them at Asokoro," the gateman informed, Yazeed wished the ground could suck him up.

"Okay, Malam Harisu, I'll do that." He walked into his house while pondering over what brought that woman to Abuja and what did she want that she asked him to come? Because he was sure his father would never want to see him, not to even mention asking him to meet him at his house at Asokoro, it all had to do with that woman.

He only had dim lights turned on, and that was how his house was for all he could remember, he walked directly to his room and dropped the bag before he walked into the bathroom and took his bathe. After he was done praying and everything, he knew it was time to go to Asokoro because if he failed to, the whole of Abuja would know. He changed his dress and walked to the kitchen to make a quick sandwich but remembered the sandwich maker was faulty, he had to buy another one.

He hissed softly and walked out of the house, thinking of going to Sulaiman's house for dinner or he would just make a takeaway for himself since he was going out? And of course, not to forget to buy a new sandwich maker. He opted for the latter and drove directly to his father's house in Asokoro. The gatemen waved at him after they had opened the gate for him and he walked into the living room bracing himself for the worst. Because the worst always happened whenever this woman came to Abuja.

"Assalamu Alaikum," he said his taslim in a soft voice and walked further into the living room, finding himself a place on one of the luxurious assorted sofas. One of the maids whom he had no idea how they managed to work while the owners of the house didn't visit often came out of the kitchen and she bowed and greeted him. "Evening, will you mind informing them about my arrival?" One thing he hated about her visitation to Abuja was, if he came, he would have to so much because she had always riled him up. If it was for his father, he didn't even know he had come to Abuja unless they had a meeting in the office and he treated him like every other employee, so he felt no difference.

"Yes, I'll go and inform that now." The maid said and Yazeed brought out his phone before they walked down. He heard the clacking sound of her heels from the stairs but he didn't lookup. Even though he had a lot of things he hated having sight of in his life, she was the most disgusting one among them.

She walked to the sofa opposite him with the kind of smile she always had on her face while she was interacting with him, "Yazeed Adam Bunza!" She had always called him his funny with a tone that made him cringed, because he could point out a lot of things in the way she called his name. Like he wasn't worthy of being his father's son, or he made the biggest mistake of his life because he came to the world as his father's son.

He looked up from his phone and stared into her eyes, what he hated came back to him. He knew in his heart he hated her, no, despised her even. But whenever he looked up at her, there was no way he could say no to whatever she wanted him to. He felt his heart shaking with fear of wronging her. He knew deep down the kind of person he was when he was together with her wasn't the real him, it felt like he was changed or something, but he couldn't control himself either. It had been like this for all he could remember.

"Good evening, Hajia." He greeted, and she smiled widened.

"Good evening to you too, Yazeed. How have you been? How's work?" She asked, and in his heart, Yazeed wanted nothing but to stand up and leave the house, but he knew he couldn't, she had to ask him to leave first.

"Everything is fine, Alhamdulillah. Malam Harisu told me that you asked me to come, is Alhaji not home?" Even though his father was the last thing he wanted to see whenever he was together with Hajia because she made sure she brought more darkness and fire into his life, he needed the distraction. Because his father always asked him or talked about work unless Hajia unveiled something that would soon be a calamity in Yazeed's life.

Can I Be Your Mrs?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें