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"When everything feels like it's about to collapse on you

you have let so that you can be brand-new " 


*Jenson's Pov*

After taking off into the forest, being chased by people who were once my packmates, felt like another weight on my shoulders. As if carrying the pain of being rejected by my mate and packmates wasn't enough, they were now hunting me down. While running for my life, trying to escape the pack boundary so I wouldn't be killed, I started to feel an unexplainable pain. Oh great! More pain. I didn't know what was happening, but the pain was getting worse and worse, and to make matters worse, the wolves were catching up to me. I began to feel light-headed. Why can't anything ever go right for me?

The more I ran, the weaker I felt. I had been running for two hours straight, and they were still following me. It was sad to think that they wanted me dead that much.

FINALLY! I was getting closer to the pack boundary. I ran for another hour, and I was out of the pack lands. I felt like I was about to collapse any minute now, but I kept running because even if they weren't chasing me, I still wasn't safe. I needed to get to a safe zone where no fights were allowed before I lost consciousness. As more time passed, the pain became unbearable, but I pushed on for another thirty minutes of running, and I found a safe zone. When I entered the safe zone, my body collapsed, unable to take the pain anymore.

Something felt weird in my body. My bones started to snap out of place and snap back into a new place. That's when I knew I was shifting for the first time. Some time passed, and I was viewing the world through a new perspective. Everything seemed brighter, and my body felt lighter. I could smell things I couldn't smell before. Then I looked to the ground and saw that I had paws, wolf paws at that. I heard a voice in my head—it was my wolf. It said its name was Urain.

I thought it was quite a unique name, and then it told me not to relax too much because I had other forms to shift into. At first, I thought I had heard wrong, but then my bones began to snap again. I shifted into a human form, but it was different from my usual one. For one, my hair was long, and I felt like I had fangs. Then I heard another voice—it said that this was my vampire form, and its name was Dralon. Just as I thought I was finished, I shifted again. This form was human-like, but I had pure black wings that sprouted from my back and touched the ground—they were heavy. I also had horns on the top of my head and fangs as well. The voices appeared again. At this point, I had gotten used to them. This form was called my demon-shifting form, and its name was Hellis.

Then it was back to shifting again, wondering how much more my body could take from the burden it had already endured. This form was really similar to the last, human-like with wings, only this time they were pure white. The voice appeared once again, saying that it was my angel form, and its name was Apostel.

Two more voices appeared in my head, but I did not shift. I asked what supernatural beings they were. One answered that it was a merman, and its name was Aquarius. I then asked why I didn't shift, and Aquarius explained that there was no water nearby, so it could not shift. It told me I would get the form when I was by a large body of water.

I asked the next voice the same question. It said it was a dragon, and its name was Drewon. The reason I did not shift was that my body had already taken too much burden, and I would not be able to handle shifting into my dragon form. It would do more harm than good.

After everything was done, it was as if my body knew I had taken care of everything I needed to. I collapsed; my body refused to cooperate, and I suddenly felt dizzy, as if my body was telling me I needed rest. I fell unconscious. My body couldn't resist it, and I only fell deeper and deeper into sleep so that my body could heal.

UNIQUE BUT POWERFUL OMEGAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora