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People say... happiness can only be known 

once you have experience pain 


*Jenson Pov*

"Wake the F**K UP!" yelled my brother. I jumped out of bed, knowing that I had overslept and had just given my family another reason to beat me. I hurried to the bathroom, taking a 5-minute shower and putting on my old, ragged clothes with lots of holes.

I went downstairs, met with a harsh slap to the face. I doubled over and fell to the ground. "Brat, what gives you the right to sleep in? I woke up expecting the food to be ready!" my adoptive mother shouted at me, while the rest of my family looked uninterested. "Brat, what are you waiting for? Get up and make the food before I send you to a slut house, for god's sake!"

I hurried to prepare food, making pancakes with eggs and bacon, along with orange juice and coffee. After my family finished eating, leaving not even a scrap for me, I cleaned up. But that wasn't all. Before they left, they demanded the house be spotless by the time they got back.

Oh, did I forget to mention? Today is my birthday. Happy Birthday to me, I guess. Today is also the mate festival, where unmated and coming-of-age wolves are to find their mate. One has to be 16 or older to find their mate. One thing I prayed to the Moon Goddess for was my mate not to be a part of this pack, because surely they would reject me, and that is one thing I cannot take. You may be wondering why I would be rejected. Well...

1. I am an omega.

2. I have not shifted, which I should have at the age of 10, but it is not like I made my life any worse than it was.

3. I am gay, and all the males in this pack hate me and only see me as their amusement punching bag.

Enough chit-chat. Let's get cleaning because gods know what those people will do to me if this house is not clean when they come back. Four hours later, I am finally done cleaning, and the mate festival is going to start in an hour. So, I went to get ready because everyone 16 and older, and those who are unmated, must go, per the alpha's orders.

Thirty minutes later, I am dressed in the only decent clothes I have and was walking towards the packed hall where all big events like this are held. The hall of the Skymoon pack was already packed, although I was 15 minutes early. When I walked in, I was met with looks of pity, disgust, and hatred, and the one I hate the most: sadistic grins. It gave me shivers down my spine. As time went by while I tried to become as invisible as I could, everyone else was enjoying themselves.

When the clock struck midnight, my worst nightmare came true: my mate, the scent of my mate in the pack, and worst of all, the son of the alpha, the one that hates me the most, as my mate. Why did the Moon Goddess hate me so much to give me such a cruel fate? While Jake, the son of the alpha, was looking for where the smell came from, I was trying to make myself disappear. If only that was possible. When he finally located the smell, his eyes filled themselves with hate, disgust, anger, and sadistic joy. And when I say that, I knew this was not going to end well for me. Before I even noticed, the entire pack was already looking at me as Jake was walking towards me. A single step later, he was right in front of me, and a loud slap sound echoed through the hall. Only a little while later, I realized that it was me who got slapped by the sting on my cheek.

Jack continued by saying... Moon goddess do you hate me that much to pair me with someone so disgusting and useless when I am to lead a pack as alpha and need a proper luna? Do you hate me to pair when a male and an omega at that to someone who doesn't even have a wolf, to someone who can even protect themselves to save his own life, to some as useless as Jenson Lost an omega not even from own pack some who doesn't belong here? DO YOU HATE ME, MOON GODDESS!!! he shouted. As he finish his grand speech the hall that was once quite roared with laughter and snickers of mockery. 

I couldn't take it anymore. I had dealt with all the pain of mental, emotional, and physical abuse, suffering silently without even crying. I had dealt with it all, so WHY, MOON GODDESS, WHY PUT ME THROUGH THIS PAIN AND SUFFERING? HAVE I NOT SUFFERED ENOUGH? Haven't I been through enough? I have suffered all kinds of pain, I have been tortured and used, but I have not said a word. I took everything you sent toward me. DON'T I DESERVE HAPPINESS NOW? ISN'T THAT THE SAYING, one cannot have happiness without suffering pain? I have suffered all the pain I could take, so why? I broke down, I cried in front of everyone. I tried not to show any weakness throughout my whole life, but I did not care anymore. Throughout my inner and outer suffering, the people of my pack, the pack that should have protected me, the pack that should have cared for and nurtured me, just laughed at my suffering in amusement.

As Jake spoke again, everyone fell silent, waiting to hear what he would say next. His words shattered me even further. "Jenson Lost, under this full moon, with the Moon Goddess and the Sky Moon pack as my witness, I, Jack Skymoon, reject you as my mate, as the Luna of this pack who should rule with me, and as a member of this pack."

Silence enveloped the entire hall, with no one knowing what to say. Then, another person followed suit, rejecting me as a member of the pack. One by one, as everyone rejected me, I fell deeper and deeper into the darkness of my heart, overcome with the pain of being rejected by my mate and then by my packmates. I felt nothing but pain on top of pain, and then more pain.

For a brief moment, I snapped out of the agony to utter words that shocked everybody. "I, Jenson Lost, under this full moon, with the Moon Goddess as my witness, reject my mate, Jack Skymoon, and also accept my mate, Jack Skymoon's rejection. I reject the Sky Moon pack and accept their rejection as well. From this day forth, I am no longer a part of the Sky Moon pack." And just like that, the pain I felt was mirrored by those who had rejected me. Karma truly is a bitch, if I do say so myself.

"GET OUT!" roared the Alpha, and next to be Alpha. "You have half a day to leave this pack before you are hunted like the rogue you are." So, I ran to the house, knowing they wouldn't even give me ten minutes. I packed what was sentimental to me, along with clothes, food, and water – just the necessities.

As I finished gathering everything I might need, I heard the wolf howl, signaling that the hunt had begun. It was time to get the hell out of there. Just as I was about to leave the house, the wolf spotted me and began to chase me. So, I ran into the forest in the dead of night, shouting quietly, "WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?"


{A/N... So guys this is the first chapter I hope you like it and comment on what you would like to happen in the next chapter}

Also, don't forget if you see any mistakes tell me, please 

alright, peace out.

UNIQUE BUT POWERFUL OMEGADonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora