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Jenson at the top^^

My Name Is Jenson Lost I am the useless, worthless omega of one of the most powerful packs. The name of the pack is SkyMoon pack. In this pack, I am the punching bag that everyone comes to when they want to let off some frustration. I know you may be wondering why I am treated this way and why my family does not help well because I was not born in this pack but found and taken pity of. 

My life was pretty good before everyone found out I was an omega. My adoptive parent which was the beta of the pack loved and cared for me but in the Skymoon pack omega are seen as nothing but useless slave that drags the pack down. So you could not expect anything else to happen but me being stunned, scorned, abused, and treated as if I didn't even exist until they need me to do their cooking, cleaning, and their amusement for when they got bored, and that never ends well for me. 

Let's get on to the story though before you all get bored of my rambling about how fucked up my life is. So my name is Jenson lost don't ask me how I got my last name that was what was given to me because I was just a lost child. I am 15 years old soon to be 16 when I will meet my mate. 

{A/N... I will post Pictures of the characters but you can imagine them how you want the characters to look} This is my first time writing so I hope that if you see any mistakes you can point them out to me. 

I am open to any ideas you guys may have to contribute.

I hope that you guys like the story.

UNIQUE BUT POWERFUL OMEGAWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu