Chapter 3

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In its midnight now, all the warriors are in wolf form. Me, well still in human form. I don't want to waste a very good clothing.

Where now outside of the pack boarders. Warriors waiting for my command.

'Stand your position in three.. Two.. NOW!! '  I yell at our pack link.

Five warriors charge in, that caught the crescent moon packs guard off guard.

While they fight the guard, I walked to the pack House. I can hear someone ripped someone's throat. I felt no guilty, just by scent, his a unmated wolf.

I inhale the scent of this house and I'm sure am gonna miss this.

Just then a growl was heard, I spotted a brown wolf lunging at me. I hold his snout and throw him. He whimper in pain but still charge at me. I fake a yawn. Really, I had to learn not to fake it. Cause it is so boorrriinngg..

I move a bit and it landed in the ground. I was tired of playing with this pack.

I snap my hands and it is forced to shift. I widened my eyes. It's still is a pup.

He growl at me, but I growl back. He submitted. I mind link some of the warriors and took this kid.

"No worries kid, your safe with us wither you like it or not, your coming with us" A warriors said and pick him.

"Make sure he gets to medical stat" He nodded and rushed off.

I sniff the air, hoping to find the alpha and I was right, he was in the basement.

I Marched to the basement and saw n alpha. Not looking at me but I kid.

I realized this is the alpha daughter.

"You piece of shit, you should have died not your mom" He scream at her while kicking her ribs.

I watched, hoping where this leads

"D-dad, it wasn't me" She murmured. Tears stream in her eyes.

"Don't call me dad, I don't have a daughter" He punched her. "You are worthless, you don't deserve to die" He took a knife and it's time to interfere.

I clapped, yup I clapped.

He finally noticed me, looking at me dead in the eye. I'm wearing a mask right now so he doesn't know who I am.

"What are you doing here!!! Go back upstairs" He yelled at me. I stand there crossed arms.

I clear my throat before using my other tone.

"Alpha, alpha, you really are stupid" I laugh. Still using my deep voice.

"What" He said in utter confusion.

"You really want to go to hell do you" I smirked. He seems confused but then his eyes widen.

"You really thought I wouldn't know" I step forward, looking at him dead in the eye. He's shaking in I don't know, anger or fear maybe.

"Abusing your daughter really? " I snapped. "You have lost that title when you started to beat your own blood"

"She's not my blood" She spat. I look at him disbelief.

"I wonder what Milan will say" I started to think.

"Don't drag her here" She shouted.

"Oh paleeess.. I know what she will say, wait why don't you see for yourself" I smirk at him.

Focusing on my energy, I asked the moon goddess to summon milan here, the dead Luna.

I hear a gasp. I open my eyes and saw a beautiful lady In a cloth. He has wavy brown hair but her eyes as white as snow.

"Milan" The alpha said in a low voice.

"You abuse our daughter" She yelled at him, he winch due to her harsh voice.

"She killed you" He murmur, the look on Milan's eyes tell him that she was not happy.

"No you immature jerk, I protect her so she wouldn't be killed and now your going to kill her," She said in distasteful way.

"But-i s-saw y-you l-lying in b-blood w-with h-her" He utter, nervous.

"Your really a jerk" She says before disappearing in the wind.

"Milan" He fall to his knees, tears streaming down his face.

"That was a good show" I look at my finger nails in a dramatic way.

"Bring her back" He said in a stern voice. "Not happenin alpha" I smirked.

"Come here sweetie" I said to the girl and patted my side. She scurried towards me.

"Oh no.. Your daughter hates you" I said in a dangerous way.

"Lilian come back here" He shouted to the girl. Lilian shake her head no, and hided in my back.

"Lils, do you want this man to die or to live" I asked. She looked at the man back to me.

"Live" I nodded. "Why, he abused you did he? "

"He's still my father" She said. "Alright"

I swip my hands and he automatically fall to the ground. She rushed to his side and started to shake him awake.

"You said.. He'll live" She shouted at me.

"Low down your eggo kid, he's just unconscious" I stated. "How old are you again? "

"Fourth teen" I nodded. "You come with us"

"Why? "

"So you can get the alpha position" She duck low.

"Alpha said that I don't deserve it" I snorted.

"Honestly we need someone to role this pack, needed a leader, and your the only one whose perfect for the position"

"But I don't know how to ran a pack" I patted her back. "That's why will train you "

"Why are you so nice to me, are you supposed to be, I don't know, mean, your the alpha rouge after all"

"Trust me kid, you don't know me" I shake my head. I offer my hand to her.

"Why do you want me to lead? You could do it you know" She murmured the last part.

"Cause your the alphas daughter, you deserve to lead, whatever your so called dad said, don't listen to his nonsense all right" She nodded and took my hand.

"It's time for you to see the world in a different way"

cold alpha and his broken lunaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora