Chapter 1

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"You don't belong here! No one will love you and your mate will despise you" He kicked me in the ribs while I hold my screams of pain

"You are a burden to this pack! I hope you will lay deed" He spit at me and left me dying in the cold floor basement

I curled up in a ball and silently cry. The alpha doesn't want a word coming from my mouth

No matter how much I scream they dont listen and beat me even more

I closed my eyes feeling tired and want to end here and there

"Don't close your eyes Alex pls don't" I can hear someone yell at me

I can fell myself being carried and placed on a soft surface

Until I feel nothing and my mind goes blank


I bolted my eyes open and look at my surroundings

I sigh, it was just the past that I could never forget

I only was 5 that time and I accidentally burnt the eggs then the alpha started beating the shit out of me

That's when I promise myself never to speak so I can't be beat up badly

I rubbed my eyes to clear my view then stand up to fix my mattress. I very thin mattress

I went to the bathroom and shower. I only get 5 minutes to shower so that I don't use to much water

After I finished my shower, I went to my small closet and find a outfit to wear

I eventually found some black hoodie and baggie jeans, I look at myself in the mirror. My body skinny as for food lost, the marks from my back when I was beaten can be shown, I know werewolves should heal these marks but for me, I don't have a wolf that's another reason why they beat me cause of weak strength

I look once more at my face, pale as ghost, my green eyes with no light in them but darkness, my red hair are like crows nest

I sigh once again,my 16 birthday are tommorow and once I turned 16 I will escape from here

I run to the kitchen and started to cook before the alpha or the pack wakes up

I cooked pancakes for 45 people and some eggs for them all before bolting away form the kitchen to took my bag and went to school

I walked toward school and went to my seat. No one really cares about me so I took my books and started to read them

I few minutes past and I saw the bitch of 'girlfriend' the soon to be alpha of the pack. Lulu. With her side is the alpha's son. Andrew Jackson

I ignored them and when the professor came the class become quite, then he started to tell us about mates while I just stare at the window not caring about it

Once the bell rang, I went to collect my books before the next lesson

I head to my geography lesson and sit in the back of the class, with a hung low head I listen to the teacher give us a lesson

Honestly I don't think this teenagers listen to him

As the bell ring I went to the library, mostly some of them should went to the cafeteria but me not so much

The day past like a blur and glad no one beat the shit out of me

Or so I thought.

cold alpha and his broken lunaWhere stories live. Discover now