chapter 8

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(Long chapter)

I had just finished my bath when Ethan barged in my room. I give him a 'what's wrong' look.

"Go through the meeting room, you know where that, right? I nodded. He then continue. " There, we have somethings to discuss, the whole pack will be there. It is very important so please go there in a couple of minutes "he's voice sounds like he was pleading at... Me

I just nodded at show to fingers at him, which mean I will be there in two minutes. He get what I was telling him and started to leave the room.

I sigh and started to get dress, I didn't finish what I was doing and I hope Ethan didn't see me like that.. In a towel.. That's gonna be embarrassing.

As I finished, I went to the meeting room and saw that all of the people in the pack was there. I was starting to feel nauseous.

I take a few breathe before I went near Ethan. When he saw me coming, he smile at me and the pack was now full of murmur and whispers. They thought that 'who was that girl' and 'why is she doing near the alpha'

I ignore them and when Ethan speak, the pack was quite. "As you know, I gathered you her for a news from the royals! " Some gasp at the news and some just giggle.

It annoyed me but didn't let it show. "The ball is in a few days so, get ready, all of us are going and maybe you'll unmated will finally see your mates" He spoke, Emotionless, not even a smile was seen in his face.

I was confused what he meant by maybe will see our mates but then it clicks

'Well shit this isn't good' I hear Emily says. I agree, so that means...

"All packs are going there, especially the silver moon pack"this made me freeze In my spot. I am gonna see Andrew! He's gonna Himulate me! His gonna torture me!

'No he is not' I hear Emily say. Though she didn't really talk to me that much because of her rejection but she said that it was no beggy but I still worried about her.

"You okay" Ethan murmured at me. So only he and I can heard. I nodded. He smiled then continue the news.

I zoned out of that. I can only think about what he said. The silver moon pack are gonna be going to the ball. I am gonna see does horrible monsters but.. I am gonna see luna.

I smile at that. She was like my mother when my biological mom past away. Well more like attack by.. Them

I shiver at the thought. The screams of my parents, my brother taken from them. There blood in my hands. I stop thinking about it. It always makes me cry.

I snapped at my thoughts when someone shook me. I look up and see Andy with a worried look. It melted my heart that someone cares about me but at the same time it scares me. What if they killed him?? What if they kill the people I now liked? What if-

I was cut at my thoughts when Ethan spoke. "Are sure your okay? You been kind of zoned out about the news" I waved My hands at him saying it was nothing but he didn't push it. He gestured me to follow him and so I push all the negative thoughts away before going with him.

We walked to the backyard and near the woods. He then look at me. "I'm showing you something that I dear to my heart but it is a few meters away. It is faster if we ran in wolf form.. " He gushed all in once, I'm glad I understood every word. He then continued. "Do you have your wolf?? I mean I can't sense it on you? "

This made me crunch my eyebrows. Why can't he sense My wolf??

'Well I kinda masked our scent so.. ' I chuckled at that thought. She doesn't trust them at first so she masked our scent so they would let us be but they have other plan at that.

'He found out that we were human when we first meet so let's keep the charades you know.. '  I nodded at her.

I shook my head after talking to Emily. He then went to a nearby tree and the big black wolf appeared. He's so beautiful, he chuckled at my expression and I blushed.

He then nodded for me to hop on him so I did. He started to run fast.

And when I say fast I mean very fast. All I see was green blurry things with a pitch of brown. I let the air carry me, this feeling make me.. Free

After running for a few minutes we reach a meadow and I was struck in awe. There was a stream in a few meters from it but what catch me was the flowers in the meadow. It is so beautiful, all kinds of flower was here and it was peaceful at the fact.

He then started to lead us through a tree near the meadow but not far enough for the stream to see. He made me seat next to him and I obediently sat.

"This is where I usually think when I was alone at the past" He suddenly blurted. I let him continue what he meant. "When I was little I had a little sister, she was always smiling. I love her to bits and I feel something special in her that makes me wanna protect her until I die" I sat there, shocked by this.

"When we were having a fun day, she started to go through the woods, dad was shouting at her but she seems to lost in the trance of the butterfly.. " He chuckled.

"I ran after her, then I hear I scream and new something was wrong.. I ran faster and I saw her, I rouge on top of her, ready to kill her, that were I saw blood, even if I was still young at that time and I don't have my wolf, I still have this feeling that I can kill that rouge with just my human hands"he pause thinking about it.

"I killed it, I told my sister to run but she was to scared to move, suddenly more rouge was surrounding us. One rouge jump at me but there was another wolf who killed it and I new it was dad, then mom followed after. " He close his eyes and breathe in and out. "Even if they kill those rouge more came, then one rouge bit my dad's neck and he whimper" He started to tear up but he heald it in. I squeeze his hand in support.

"Then it finished him.. I saw my dad lay on the ground cover in his on blood mix with the rouges blood. Mom screamed at dad and rushes towards him but a rouge killed her. She dropped on the ground next to my dad. The rouge laugh at them and they look at us. My sister was crying due to our parents but I couldn't care less, they were gone and I am gonna protect my sister at all cost"

I was gonna say something but he cut me. Not gonna say but wrote it you know what I mean

"Let me finished" I nodded. "We were surrounded by rouges but the un expected they took me, he them whisper something in my sister's ear that instantly make her shiver but nodded anyways. He then went near me and I started to wiggle my way out but I reserved a sting in my neck. Then I see was black. That is why I ended in the rouge camp and alpha Phil 'Andy's dad' found me, he made me alpha due to me being a brave shit and blah blah"he chuckled at the end. I look at him in awe.

Never I thought that this alpha here was suffered a lot before he became fearless.

I took the notepad in my pocket. Hey at least I am secured when I need to talk to someone

'Yeah right.. '  I hear Emily snicker.

I wrote a few words before handing it to Ethan. He sucked a breath before looking at me dead in the eye. He then spoke

"I don't really remember our last name but I remember her name to well.. " He then hold my hands and said the five words making me freeze"her name was Ariana Lee Ezra xan Arizona"

No... It can't be...


cold alpha and his broken lunaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang