Chapter 29

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Max was riding her skateboard to Mikes house. She needs to give him a piece of her mind.

Mike was listening to his music and lied lazily on his bed. He was listening to the Queen. Him and Will love them. It was their favorite band. Mike was planning on taking Will to a concert. But of course couldn't because of his stupid dad.

Max burst into Mikes room disrupting Mike. Mike rolled his eyes and looked over. Max looked at him with annoyed eyes. "What?" Mike snapped. "What do you think? Do you know how sad Will is now?" She asked. "You think I'm doing so hot either?" Mike asked.

She paused. She didn't think about Mike feelings. Max sighed and sat on the edge of Mikes bed. "How are you?" She asked. "I don't know what to do! I lost him! I lost my Will!" Mike said. "You guys broke up two weeks ago." Max said. "So?" Mike said. "So! So for get your man!" Max said. "I can't. Remember?" Mike asked. "He's just going to learn to accept it. C'mon Mike." Max said.

There stood Mike in front of the Byers residence. He had a Bouquet of flowers in right hand and chocolate in his left. The flowers were Lily, Aster, Pansy, Will's favorite flowers.

Will opened the door and saw a smiling Mike. "Hey." Mike breathed out. "Hey?" Will asked. "I'm here to apologize. I love you so very much very. Nothing can describe my love for you. But I know it might seem cheesy or stupid but I know you like romantic things. Please take me back." Mike pleaded holding out the flowers and chocolates.

Will thought for a moment. "What about your dad?" Will asked. "He doesn't know I'm doing this." Mike said. "And when he does find out?" Will said. "Then he'll just have to learn to deal with it. Because I'm not changing my mind." Mike said.

Will started smiling. "Do you really mean it?" Will asked. Mike nodded and stepped closer to him. "I do." Mike said.

Will dragged him in the house closing the door behind them. He pushed Mike onto the wall and kissed him passionately. Mike had his arms on Will's waist while Will had his arms wrapped around Mike neck.

When the broke apart they stared deep into each other's eyes. Will rested his head on Mikes chest.

Will was putting his flowers that Mike gave him in a vase. Will came back to the bed the Mike was on and started to eat the chocolate. Mike fed one to Will. "I missed this." Mike said. "It's only been two weeks." Will said. "Don't act like you haven't missed me too." Mike said. Will smiled and giggled.

He practically jumped on Mike. Mike held him protectively in his arms. He kissed the top of his head.

Just then Will grabbed a pillow and hit Mikes face. "Oh your dead Byers!" Mike yelled grabbing a pillow.

Then they were pillow fighting and having the time of their lives.

After about 5 minutes they were both worn out. They laid on opposite sides of the beds panting. Will got closer to Mike. He laid his head on his chest and Mike pulled him closer. "I missed you." Will said.

"I missed you too.


Awwwww! My Byler heart! ❤️

Words: 560

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