Chapter 12

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Will woke up to the phone ringing. He heard his dad going to get it. "William! It's for you!" Lonnie yelled. Will got up from his bed and picked up the phone. "Hello?" He said. "Hey Will!" "El?" "That's me! You should come over! I would love yo get to know you more! You seem cool!" "Really?" "Yes really!"

Will got Els address he told his dad where he was going. He went to Els cabin. When he knocked a man opened the door. "Hello?" He asked. "I'm Will Byers. I'm here for El?" He asked. "You a friend?" He asked. Will nodded. "In her room." Hopper said. Will nodded. "Down the hallway second door on the left." He said. Will nodded again and headed towards Els room.

Will knocked on the door. "Come on!" He heard. Will opened the door and immediately fell in love with Els room. "I like you room." Will said. "Thanks!" El said. Will sat on her bed. "I need help." El said. Will cocked an eyebrow. "With?" He asked. "Dustin had a crush on this girl named Susie. I need help getting them together." El explained. "Why me?" Asked Will. El shrugged. "Let's go!" El dragged Will.

Will and El walk up to Dustin and told him what to do. Dustin nodded a bit nervous. He was afraid Susie wouldn't like him back. Dustin bought flowers for her and he was waiting by the fountain. Susie walked up to him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. Susie smiled.

El and Will watched and smiled wildly. "Well now that that's done. Let's go back to my place." El said.

Will and El were sitting on Els bed. "Okay so Mike went on this date with a girl the other day." El said. "Really?" Will said looking down. Why was he feeling like this? "But they didn't have chemistry so they decided they was better off as friends." El explained. Will looked up and smiled. "We should all go shopping tomorrow!" El said. "I don't have any money." Will said. "That's okay. I can lend you some. Or Mike." El said. "No, that's okay." Will said. "Come on." El groaned. Will smiled.

The next day Will was walking to the mall. He agreed to go. Will is happy that he has more friends. He's happy that Max got in a relationship. Els pretty cool.

He saw his friends waving to him. "Hey Will!" Mike said. "Hey." Will said blushing a little. Mike put his arm around Will. "Come on." He said. "Me and El are going to find some clothes." Max said. The boys nodded. "I've never been to a mall." Will said. "Well then we are going to the best place here." Dustin said with a huge grin.

They entered Scoops Ahoy. "This is Robin." Dustin said while they were walking up to the counter. Will gave a small wave. Robin smiled at him. "Where's Steve?" Dustin asked. "Hey dingus your children are asking for you." Robing yelled. "What." Steve said. "Don't need to be so harsh." Mike said. Will giggled. "Who's this?" Steve asked. "This is Will." Lucas said. "Hey Will. What would you guys like?" Steve asked.

They all sat down with their ice cream. "What did you get?" Mike asked Will. "Black Cherry." Will said. "Black Cherry?" Mike asked. Will nodded. "Yep! Try it." Will said. "I will if you try mine." Mike said. Will took a small bite of Mikes ice cream. Which was Rocky Road. Mike then tried Will's. "Not bad. But mines still better." Mike said. Will shook his head. "Not true. Mines way better." Will said. Mike smiled at him.

Lucas and Dustin just looked at each other.

The boys walked around the mall some more. Will spotted something. Will nugged Mike. "Yes." Mike said looking down at the smaller boy. "Look! Can we go in there?" Will asked. "Sure." Mike said.

The two walked in the store. Will ran up to a hoodie. The Will gave Mike puppy dog eyes. "How much?" Mike asked. "Don't you get things for free around here?" Will asked. "I would still like to pay." Mike said. Will nodded and looked at the price tag. "$10." Will said.

Mike nodded and they walked up to the counter. Mike payed the lady and they walked out. The party all met back at the entrance. "Well I think this was a success." El said. They all nodded in agreement.

They all went their separate ways. Mike was walking Will to his house. Or close to his house. "Bye Will." Mike said. "Adios!" Will said. And he walked in his home.


Fun fact: My favorite flavor of ice cream is Black Cherry!

Words: 790

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