Chapter 25

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You remember Lisa right? The girl Mike went on a date right? Well that's Lucas's girlfriend now. Mike and Will were heading in a restaurant to go on a double date with them. Lisa suggested them. Plus she wanted to get to know Will more. Mike has talked to Lisa about him. Lisa was just dying to meet the little cutie. That's what Mike calls him.

Lucas and Lisa were waiting patiently when the bell rang. There stood Mike and Will looking around for their friend and his new girlfriend. They soon spotted them. Lucas waved them over. They took their seats. "Will right?" Lisa asked. Will nodded. "Pleasure to meet you." Lisa says. Lucas smiled.

Soon a waiter came to their table. "Your highness. I am Kesha and I will be your waiter. What can I get started for you folks today?" Kesha said. "I'll have a Mountain Dew and my friend would like a Dr. Pepper." Mike said. Will nodded to confirm. "And for you two?" Kesha asked. "A Dr. Pepper as well." Lisa said. "A orange soda." Lucas said.

Kesha winked at Mike then left. Will obviously got jealous. Mike chuckled at his reaction. "What?" He snapped. Mike threw his hands in the air in self defense. Lucas and Lisa laughed. Mike sneaked a kiss on his cheek. Will looked at him with puppy eyes. Mike laughed.

Kesha came back weigh the drinks. She looked at Mike the entire time. She knows she can't have him anyway. She got the their food orders and went to get them.

Will and Lisa engaged in their own conversations. Mike was happy he was getting along with Lisa. Lisa seemed to love Will. Will laid his head on Mike. But got back up when he saw Kesha. The two boys immediately felt bad that they can't show affection in public.

They started digging into their food and engaged in conversation.

They were done and Kesha gave them the bill. With a note. Mike paid and walked out with the note.

You still looking for a queen? I'm available. Here's my number.

Mike teared the letter and bright Will close.

"I think I've already found my queen."


Another short and shitty chapter!

Words: 373

Your Highness~Byler [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now