Into The Woods

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Oswalt looked around the Headmaster's office unimpressed. He never did like the Headmaster. Milton was always such a bore and his talk about destiny never once had him trying to save Oz.

He knew why, however. He understood it all now. The magic mirror had shown him everything. The truth.

And soon, he will show the whole world. Soon, the world will know the truth. Soon.....

Soon he will destroy Ever After to it's very core.

And you left behind the very person who would help him.

Blondie: Uh, you wanted to see me?

Oswalt smiled and looked back to the scared girl.

Oswalt: Blondie Locks. I must say, I am a huge fan of your MirrorCast.


You took a deep breath as the wind hit your face. You were swaying as the dragons flew to this hidden area that Ashlynn and Darling were talking about.

Ruby: Y/N? You alright?

You nodded while everyone looked back towards you. You swallowed.

Y/N: I'm fine.

You looked over to Darling.

Y/N: How much further?

Darling: Not much. We should be there soon.

Ashlynn: It's just over this ridge.

Y/N: Good. The sooner we get there...the sooner....we can...

You began to sway some more, nearly tipping over. Only the cries from your friends snapped you back awake. You shook your head, blinking as Hunter switched dragons to ride with you. He still hated heights, but this was clearly more important.

Hunter: Hey, bud. You alright?

Y/N: I said I'm fine.

Hunter: You look like a corpse. You're getting paler by the second.

You noticed that your breathing was getting shallow. Hunter looked over your shoulder and saw your hand. The green skin and the blacken nails.

Hunter: What is that?

You didn't answer. Instead, you began to sway over. Hunter stopped you from falling off.

Hunter: Y/N? Y/N! Hey! Stay with me! Y/N!

You hit the ground as soon as the other landed. You caught yourself with your arm while your swords and shield fell over. Hunter kneeled down and held your shoulders while the others rushed over to you.

Hunter: Give him room! He needs to breathe.

Everyone stopped while Lizzie and Ruby took an extra step forward. You gasped for air, grabbing your chest. Thinking about the school, everyone trapped inside. Your heart was racing faster than you could manage it.

Oswalt was still out there. Your ring was broken. The Evil Queen was freed. Ever After High was taken over. Your friends were in danger. Your home was under attack.

It was happening again. It was happening all over again.

Oscar was screaming. You could hear your brother screaming.

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