The Boulevard

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You tapped your foot against the wall you sat ontop of. The entire campus of Ever After High was in your view. You could even see most of Book End. All of it was right there, right in front of you.

You wanted to just cast a spell and wipe it all away in a wave of emerald fire, but you couldn't. You didn't have the power to do it. It was why you made a pact with the Evil Queen.

You heard laughter down below causing you to look. Everyone was off in their own small groups talking and laughing and enjoying their day. Seeing them like this made your blood boil.

You narrowed your eyes.

Blondie: The hot scoop today is the sudden actions taken by none other than Lizzie Hearts at the Multi-Hex Theater.

You looked over at your MirrorPhone to see that Blondie's MirrorCast was playing. Her voice honestly made your ears ring. It was too bubbley and she talked about things in such a way that it was somehow annoying.

The footage showed Lizzie pouring her drink on you. You didn't care that she did it. Actually, you were very happy that she did. She was mad at you. Furious. She felt betrayed. She wouldn't trust you now.

Blondie: Do we have ourselves a lover's quarrel? A forbidden love between an Ozzian and a Wonderlandian? Tune in as we try to unwrap this mystery!

Ruby frowned and lowered her phone. She was beyond baffled. This wasn't like you. Running around and messing around with girls? You were even the one who told her to focus on school instead of "cute boys". Seriously! Look back at the first chapter of Ever After High.

And you and Lizzie were friends. Why would she just randomly do something like that? And she looked so upset when she saw her earlier. She wasn't her usual self, yelling at people to get out of her way and playing croquet.

She walked with her head down and the heart around her eye seemed faded, as if she hasn't cared to reapply it. Her hair was also messy. She seemed tired.

What did you do to her?

Ruby didn't know, but she did know that this wasn't like you. You would be going out of your way to see what was wrong with Lizzie. To help your friend.

Yet, you were no where to be found.

What was wrong with you?

Cerise: I'm just saying, we have vegetarian days in the Castleteria. We should have meat days!

Apple and Maddie looked at Cerise from their seats. They were holding a suggestion meeting for the student body. Of course, you sat off on the side ontop of a desk. You were scrolling through your MirrorPhone while only half listening.

These brats had such trivial things to complain about. Their privileged lives have made them too soft. It was annoying.

But, Apple asked you to be here to offer some suggestions when you had any.

Briar: You look very entertained.

You kept a sigh in when Briar sat next to you. She was yet another problem that you had grown attached to. Being trapped into your head for the last 10 years, Oswalt has come to know your thoughts. You cared about Briar as a friend, but there was another feeling there.

The same with Lizzie and Cerise. You even had close relationships with the other Wonderlandians. You had respect for Apple and Raven. You longed for a better relationship with Dexter and Hunter. A love/hate relationship with Daring was also present.

Ever After High: A Wonderful Semester (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now