Here There Be Dragons

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You sat in your usual seat for General Villiany next to Lizzie and Dutchess. Behind you sat Raven and that new girl, Mira. Something in the back of your mind was telling you not to trust her, but you didn't even know why.

Badwolf: Here are your General Villainy exam results.

He set yours down and you saw that you had a perfect 100% like always. You began to wonder how you felt about this class being your best. He then placed down Raven's.

Badwolf: Room for improvement, Miss Queen.

Raven sighed while Mira winced at the horrible grade. She then smirked.

Mira: Cast a spell on the teacher and get straight A's. That's what I did in school.

Raven raised a brow.

Raven: Wait, I thought you were home schooled?

Before she could get an answer, Badwolf popped up between the two.

Badwolf: Talking in class! Huh? Encouraging cheating?

He growled, but smiled and leaned towards Raven.

Badwolf: Raven, stick with this new girl. You could learn a thing or two.

He nodded encouragingly to Mira who smirked. You eyed her out of the corner of your eye suspiciously.
P.E. started and the teacher addressed the class while holding a large candy cane.

Gingerbreadman: Candy cane pole vault! This old Gingerbreadman is about to show you how to take the cake.

He charged forward and was about to vault, but Mira nudged Raven and shot out a spell that made the candy cane even taller. The coach struggled to keep his grip, but he ended up falling forward and onto the basketball hoop.

Mira laughed and soon, Raven joined in.

Gingerbreadman: Raven Queen! Was that you?

Raven: No sir!

She then nudged Mira.

Raven: But I kinda wish it was.

The two laughed, but Apple watched worried.
Lunch came around and Mira sat with Raven and Apple, telling them stories of her "home town" when Cerise and Sarling approached the table. Without even looking, Mira slammed a hand down on the bench next to her.

Mira: We were saving these seats. Sorry.

The two girls looked at each other and walked off, a bit offended. Raven was just confused.

Raven: That wasn't fairy nice. Darling and Cerise are my friends!

Apple sunk into her seat as Mira rolled her eyes.

Mira: Nice will only get you so far. To be really popular you need a little fear factor. Right, Apple?

Apple: Um, I suppose there's truth in that.

However, the conversation was interrupted when you suddenly sat down next to Mira. She eyed you with an arched brow.

Mira: That seat is being saved for...

Y/N: This won't be long, Shards. I just wanted to talk to you about something.

Apple began to get nervous. She knew you were always one to confront people when there was something fishy afoot. You were also very perceptive.

Mira: Fine. What is it?

You gave her a friendly smile as you cupped your hands together.

Y/N: I was just wondering, what school did you say you went to again? It was, uh, what was it? Oh! The Dark Forest School of Higher Learning, right?

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