0.6: The Story Of Aria

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{A/N: Features a fictional disability... This is by no means to mock disabilities ,or those who have disabilities/disorders. Nor do I condone that behavior/mentality.}

Aria ran. He ran as far as his legs could take him as he dodged spell after spell. You see, Aria wasn't what those in Monzara considered "societally correct". Monzara at this time did not accept mixed magical people or those considered to have a disability with their magic. This was long before the establishment of the institute ,& their more modern rulings of Monzara as a whole.

This magical disorder was called "Reverse Defection". Reverse Defection was assumed to be that magic worked differently, like a complete extension of person. However, no one truly knew what it was. Or what caused this disorder in magical people. It was just a cruel means to separate purebloods from other magical people. "STOP !", a voice rang out as a powerful spell hit Aria. This caused Aria' body to feel pain and numbness all at once. Simultaneously.

Another voice sounded as a singular kick was sent to Aria' side. "Filthy. I can't believe someone like you exists, Half-Wit." Half -Wit was a derogatory term, mostly used by purebloods, to insult those who were assumed or confirmed to have this magical disorder. Later used simply to support the pureblood status over all else. Aria soon took kick after kick. Spell after spell. Once finally alone in the middle of the woods, he weakly fell into a body of mist. A lake. 

This lake bonded with him. It also brought him to a woodsy & floral archway. Without much thought, Aria passed through it. Passing through was painful. Once over he was presented in front of a mirror. This mirror showed a version of him he had never seen before. 

Aria' mirror image was similar, but opposite to him. His normally ash blonde hair was now a charcoal black. His brown eyes were now completely white. So he spoke to it. "How am I here ? Why am I here ? What exactly is this place ?"

His mirror image smiled calmly. Almost like this other version of himself hadn't undergone what he just endured, "This is Araz. You & I will be what shapes this place. We are two, but also one." This was new, no doubt. "So what happens when I leave here ?" Aria was intrigued as he followed this mirror image of himself. Little did he know, this was his soul. "I stay here while your body remains in the main world. You can at times coexist in this world with me when at your strongest. I am you, after all."

A few days in Araz pass. Aria shaped the world and strengthened his bond with the Lake Of Mist in the meantime. Aria unknowingly had formed a new life state for those with Reverse Defection. This life state was called Fusion. It is when two parts of a person combine with magic of any kind. Preferably strong magic makes it easy to fuse. 

While in his fused state, Aria' hair is half ash blonde & half black. One eye is brown with a completely white eye. The fusion state is more connected to the Lake Of Mist ,& can ask the lake for its secrets. 

As the years go by, Araz got more and more inhabitants. Their bodies remained in some state in the main world of Monzara, but their souls traveled to Araz via the Lake Of Mist. This is why a temple was built in honor of Aria. As he was the only person as of late to bond with the lake & successfully complete a fusion.


Hwan had did as she promised. Now Soobin knew why they cared for Aria enough to have a temple built in his honor. "아리아 있나요? 얘기 좀 할 수 있을까요?" (Is Aria around ? Can I speak with him ?) Hwan seemed excited as she walked him to a door within the temple. This door was guarded by another person. This person happened to be Hwan' twin brother Chan. "Hwan, you've been warned. The society isn't opening its doors at this time." 

Hwan rolled her eyes as she pointed at Soobin. Who very much wasn't solely in soul form while in Araz. "Can't you see him ? I am sure Aria would love to speak with him." Chan' eyes flitted over to Soobin briefly as he gasped in utter surprise. "Only he may speak with Aria."

Chan stepped aside as he let Soobin enter through the door. "최수빈 씨, 그렇죠? 반갑습니다."(Choi Soobin, isn't it ? Nice to meet you.) Aria addressed him immediately without even looking at him. Aria was in his fused state. "Um, the lake brought me here. What does this mean ?" Aria gestured him to take a seat. Aria as a person had almost a immortal or godly aura surrounding him. Was this brought on from his fusion of person and soul form ? 

"The lake rarely bonds. For reasons I have yet to learn, it bonded with you." Soobin quickly thought back to what Chan had said at the door. "What is the society ? I just heard that before I was allowed to see you..." 

Aria sighed as he looked at the table they sat at currently. "It was created to honor me. Members take great care of the temple. And they daily commune at the portal." Soobin could tell that Aria had made Araz his permanent home & probably had no idea of how Monzara has changed over the years. Not that Aria would care about Monzara now. "영혼의 형태가 아닌 상태에서 여기 있는 것이 드문가요?" (Is it rare to be here while not in the form of your soul ?) Soobin was beginning to take notice that he stood out. Aria nodded with a smile, "It is, but not frowned upon. It simply could be that you can't split your soul from the self because you don't know how to tap into that magic."

"Who leads the society ? Who should I go see ?" Aria gave him a single name, "송대미 씨요. 대미를 봐야죠." (Song Daemi. You should see Daemi.) 

Triple Edged Sword | Choi Soobin FF ✅ (Book 2 In Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora