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Scott is still at the hospital with Ernie and Tim. Ernie said Y/n left so I'm here looking for her. I didn't expect to find her in the kitchen with swollen lips. I've interrupted something.

- Chloe : Am I interrupting?

- y/n : No

- Chloe : Looks like it

- y/n : Are you okay?

- Chloe : I'm supposed to ask you that. Your father just got diagnosed with blood cancer and refuses to get treatment

- y/n : I can't change his mind. I just need to make the most of my time with him

- Chloe : I'm just hoping he makes it to meet the baby

- Amelia : How far along are you?

- Chloe : 25 weeks

I've got 15 weeks until my due date. I need the baby to stay in there for those 15 weeks but that could mean there is a chance that Ernie won't meet his second grand-baby.

- Chloe : Are you two okay here? I was supposed to go see my family today

- y/n : Yeah, we're fine

- Chloe : Okay. See you later

- Amelia : Bye

I know as soon as I leave they're probably going to start whatever I interrupted.


Chloe has barely gone and Amelia has me up against her already.

- y/n : Don't bother asking, just do it

- Amelia : I was going to ask if you wanted to find somewhere to sit down

- y/n : Oh okay. Yeah, let's move over to the sofa

- Amelia : Can I sit here?

She's pointing to my lap. She has the whole sofa to choose from and she wants to sit on me.

- y/n : Sure

Oh, I get it. Last time I was straddling her, this is a change. She's got a leg either side of my lap and is leaning into me.

- y/n : Are you okay?

- Amelia : Yeah. I just want to be close to you

- y/n : And that's why you're on my lap?

- Amelia : Yeah. You're comfy

- y/n : I'm going to put the TV on. You won't be able to see from there

- Amelia : I'd rather get cuddles then watch TV. You can watch TV but I'm staying here if that's okay with you

- y/n : It's fine

It's nice to be close to someone in a romantic way. I've held Winnie like this because of her nightmares but she me my daughter and I'm here to comfort and love and raise her. With Amelia I'm here to comfort her in a different way.

- y/n : Hey. I'm going to make lunch considering we missed breakfast. What do you fancy?

- Amelia : Can you make pancakes?

- y/n : Ugh, I guess so

- Amelia : You're amazing Jones

- y/n : Not too bad yourself Shepherd

She's sat on the counter while I make the pancake batter. I can see her eyeing up the flour but I am not in the mood for a flour fight. Chloe and Scott might have a good house but it only has one fully functional bathroom because the en-suite is being redone.

- y/n : Don't even think about it

- Amelia : What?

- y/n : I have a 7 year old daughter, I know what you were thinking about

- Amelia : Ugh

- y/n : Come here, cook with me

- Amelia : I'm a terrible cook.

- y/n : I'll hold your hands, you just have to stand there

I've got my arms wrapped around Amelia while I help her make blueberry pancakes. She's doing pretty great so far.

- y/n : Alright, now we're going to flip it

- Amelia : You can do that part

- y/n : No, no. I'll help. Okay, hold it up and there. Look, you did it

- Amelia : You did all the work

- y/n : Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. If you go sit down I'll bring the plates over in a second

- Amelia : Okay

Glad to say I can still make kickass pancakes.

- y/n : Amelia, wake up a second. Let me wash up and then we can go to bed

- Amelia : Which room?

- y/n : Upstairs, last room on your right. There are shorts and t-shirts in the second draw

She feels comfortable enough to make her own way to bed in my families home.

- y/n : Amelia?

- Amelia : Come cuddle

- y/n : Well don't you look comfortable

- Amelia : I'd be more comfortable if you were here with me

- y/n : I don't need convincing

- Amelia : How are you feeling?

I'm trying to ignore how I'm feeling because I know that this time next year my Pa won't be with us.

- y/n : Fine

- Amelia : Y/n. You don't have to be fine

- y/n : I am though

- Amelia : You can ask me questions, I lost my Dad, remember

- y/n : How did you cope?

- Amelia : Attachment issues to my Mom and then did drugs

Well I can't do either of those. I don't have a Mom and I can't do drugs because I have Winnie.

- y/n : Well I can't do either of those

- Amelia : Why don't you get attached to someone else? Let them support you, like a personal walking stick

- y/n : I can't ask anyone to do that

- Amelia : I'm offering

My Dad blamed me for Lewis dying, he blames me for Winnie getting appendicitis and he blames me for Pa getting ill. Great.

- Amelia : Hey, what's wrong? Your face just dropped

- y/n : Just something my Dad said, don't worry about it

- Amelia : I am worried

- y/n : Can we go to sleep? I'm tired

- Amelia : Alright. Goodnight Y/n

- y/n : Night Amelia

I can't sleep. I know Amelia is, she's breathing in my ear. I'm the reason my brother is dead, my daughter almost died and my Pa, is dying. I'm the problem.

Authors Note
Have a drink and a
snack please. The next
few chapters will be
quite heavy

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