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I'm over at Amelia's again tonight. This is the first time we've communicated outside of work since we kissed. We're watching some horror film she wants to see but doesn't want to watch alone.

- y/n : Hi

- Maggie : Hey. AMELIA. Come in

- y/n : I bought pizza for everyone. I didn't know if you were watching the film with us

- Maggie : Thanks. Just put it in the kitchen. Meredith has a late surgery and once the kids are in bed I'm going out with my boyfriend, Winston, so you and Amelia are on kid duty

- y/n : All four of them?

- Maggie : Yeah. Zola and Bailey do their own thing if they wake up, Ellis will come find someone and Scout will cry but Amelia knows how to handle them all. And you have a kid the same age as Ellis so you know what to do. Sorry, it's been ages since I went out. I can't wait

- y/n : Go early if you want. We can get the kids in bed

- Maggie : Are you sure?

- y/n : Yeah. Have fun

I don't mind looking after the kids. Scout is a baby and I've had a baby. Ellis is the same age as Winnie and like Maggie said, Bailey and Zola are old enough that they pretty much do their own thing.

- Zola : Hey Y/n

- y/n : Hey. There's a margarita pizza in the kitchen for you and your siblings to share. Where's your Aunt?

- Zola : She's changing Scout. ELLIS, BAILEY. Y/N BOUGHT PIZZA

- Ellis : Thank you Y/n

- Bailey : Thanks

- Amelia : Hey. Where's Maggie?

- y/n : I told her to go out early and that we can take care of the kids

- Amelia : Alright. Sit down guys I don't need you getting pizza everywhere and your Mom blaming me. Bailey, use a plate

- Bailey : Sorry

Sometimes I struggle to get Winnie to do what I ask, Amelia has just gotten three children to do what they're told while holding a baby. That's a skill if you ask me.

- Amelia : I'll do the washing up if you can all clear off your plates and take turns in the shower.

- Zola : Ellis has to go first because her bedtime is first

- Ellis : But-

- Amelia : Ellis, shower. Bailey you need to tidy up the action figures in the other room and Zola, can you unload the washing machine?

- y/n : What do you want me to do?

- Amelia : Sit there, look pretty and hold Scout

I've never really interacted with Scout. I've heard he's pretty fussy about who holds him and will let you know if he doesn't like you.

- Zola : Where should I put the washing?

- Amelia : Just on top of the dryer. I'll put it in there in a second

- Zola : Okay

- Amelia : Go hurry your sister up and then get in the shower. I don't care that Bailey is younger, he has time to have a shower before his bedtime if you go first

- Zola : Ugh okay

- Amelia : I swear she's a teenager

- y/n : I feel that way about Winnie sometimes

- Amelia : How's she dealing with the break up?

Very mixed. One minute she wants us to be happy and the next she's begging me to take her home and for things to be normal again. No kid likes change and it'll take some getting used to but it should be okay, eventually.

- y/n : It changes. When she's tired she begs me to take her home and to make things better again. She's had a lot more nightmares since the split and I can't help but think it's my fault.

- Amelia : I can still hear you from in here. Why's that your fault?

- y/n : Because if I hadn't left then she wouldn't be crying for Jack or having nightmares

- Amelia : She's a kid and she's only ever known her parents together. She'll come round

- y/n : Hopefully

- Amelia : Let's take this pizza upstairs to my room so we can hurry the kids along to watch a film. ZOLA, YOU BETTER BE IN THAT SHOWER

She definitely wasn't. I heard her creeping down the hallway to get in the shower before we got upstairs but it's fine. I'm no snitch.

- Amelia : You ready for bed Ellis?

- Ellis : Yeah. Night Aunty Amelia. Night Y/n

- y/n : Night Ellis

- Amelia : You know where I am if you need me. Mwah. Goodnight

I'm going to sit in Amelia's room with Scout while she sorts out Zola and Bailey. I don't know how she remembers their individual bed times but go her. Ellis was in bed by 7:30, Bailey by 8:15 and Zola by 9 so I guess it's just 45 minute increments.

- Amelia : Fuck. The pizza's cold

- y/n : It's fine. I like cold pizza

- Amelia : How's Scout?

- y/n : Asleep. Where do you want me to put him down?

- Amelia : Just his room. It's across the hall. I'm going to get changed while you do that

See Amelia told me to bring pyjamas so I bought the closest thing I had to pyjamas that weren't christmas pyjamas that me, Jack and Winnie matched in last year. Shorts and a baggy t-shirt it is.

- y/n : Where can I get changed?

- Amelia : I'll turn around so you can get changed in here

- y/n : Are you sure?

- Amelia : What've you got to hide?

A lot. I have scars that no one has asked about, not even Jack. He never looked at my body. Like sure he looked at my body but he never really looked. He just liked to look because that meant he could get his dick in me.

Authors Note
Have a drink and a
snack please

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