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Since that argument, two weeks ago, we haven't had sex. A girl has needs, sexual desires, whatever you call it, I am 'it'. Me and my boss have still had an on again and off again relationship. We're out for a 'business dinner' tonight. Probably will just be her complaining and me accepting it, like normal.

- Amelia : Well don't you look pretty

- y/n : Thanks. Sorry I'm late. Winnie's ill and threw a tantrum because I wouldn't let her go to ballet

- Amelia : It's fine. I've ordered a bottle of something that isn't alcoholic for us to share. How ill is she?

- y/n : Throwing up, fever, stomach aches. She's not as bad as she was yesterday. She kept trying to sleep but couldn't because her head hurt and then when she fell asleep her had a nightmare. Teachers sent a letter home saying there was a stomach bug going around and to keep them off for 2 days after being ill

- Amelia : Does she have nightmares frequently?

- y/n : Once, maybe twice a week. We were in a car accident a couple of years ago. It's was bad. I got knocked unconscious and cut my head. The car was upside down. Winnie was conscious the whole time. Saw it all

- Amelia : Oh no

- y/n : Drunk driver. She died at the scene apparently

She's being nice, genuinely nice.

- Amelia : So, can I guess something about you and you tell me if it's true?

- y/n : Go on then

- Amelia : You're the oldest of two, Mom and Dad got divorced while you were a teenager and you stayed with your Dad. You and your Mom have issues so you don't talk much. Obviously you have one kid with your fiancé but he's your second engagement. You were young and dumb and the fist engagement was toxic. Am I close?

- y/n : Nope. I'm the youngest of three, gay Dads. You can't have Mommy issues if you don't have a Mom. I haven't been engaged before but my relationship before Jack was toxic. Can I guess something about you?

- Amelia : Sure

- y/n : You're definitely the youngest child of quite a few. You were close with your Dad as a young kid, you Mom as a pre-teen and then you became your own person. You've been engaged before but it didn't follow through to a wedding

- Amelia : Pretty close. I'm the youngest of 5, all girls except Derek but he passed away in a car accident. My Dad died when I was 5 and I did a lot of drugs as a teenager, hence the "becoming my own person". I've actually been engaged twice.

I was fairly accurate. I'm pretty good at judging someone and I'm a good listener. I knew about Derek and I knew about the drug use in her past.

- Amelia : I recommend the salmon

- y/n : You've been here before?

- Amelia : Yep. Twice. I only bring special people here

What does she mean special people? What does she want from me?


Over the past few weeks, working with Y/n, I've gained feelings for her. It's wrong because she's engaged and I'm pretty sure she's straight but it explain my hate towards her when we first met. I hate liking her.

- y/n : You were right. The salmon is really good

- Amelia : Told you

- y/n : Yeah

- Amelia : What's on your mind?

- y/n : Oh nothing. It's a personal problem

- Amelia : I told you about my addiction pretty soon into this friendship. You can trust me

- y/n : Okay no laughing but I think Jack's withholding sex

Honestly that's a little bit funny. Kind of explains why she's been frustrated and short-tempered recently.

- Amelia : Oh damn. If I'd known I would've ordered you something with alcohol in it

- y/n : It's fine

- Amelia : Wait a second, hey, can I order a vodka coke for my friend?

- Waiter : Yes, and for you?

- Amelia : Nothing for me

- Waiter : I will be back in a minute

If I get Y/n drunk then maybe she'll open up a little more. Forget that, I'm getting her drunk.

- y/n : Y'know if I was gay, I'd totally go for you

- Amelia : Alright, time to go home

- y/n : Let me get my card out

- Amelia : I'll pay

- y/n : And she pays

I didn't mean to get her wasted. I just meant drunk.

- y/n : Give me a second. My phones ringing

- Amelia : Go outside. I'll be out after I've paid

Hopefully this platonic date won't be cut short.

- y/n : I need to go

- Amelia : Why? What's wrong?

- y/n : Winnie's being rushed to hospital. Burst appendix

- Amelia : You're in no state to drive. I'll take you

- y/n : Are you sure?

- Amelia : Of course

I'm worried for Y/n. She thought Winnie was just ill.  She's also scratching at her hands, the best thing I can do is preoccupy her hands by holding one, in a platonic way.


The teacher sent a letter home saying a stomach bug was going around. Winnie had a stomach bug. How the fuck is she laying in the back of an ambulance?

- Amelia : Hey. Calm down. She's going to be okay

- y/n : I told her it was just a little stomach bug. How am I supposed to explain this? I promised her that she would feel better tomorrow

- Amelia : Sometimes we break promises and that's okay because everything works out in the end

It's my fault for not checking. I'm a surgeon for christs sake, how didn't I realise?

- y/n : Thank you

- Amelia : Want me to come in with you?

- y/n : Please

I'm mad at myself for not realising it was her appendix.

- Callie : Hey, hey. Come here. Give me a hug. She's going to be okay

- y/n : How didn't I realise? The fever, the vomiting, the stomach aches. I'm such a bad Mom

- Callie : No you're not. You're a brilliant Mom. Stomach bugs are going around, all us parents know that. I would've done the same thing as you

- y/n : Where is she?

- Callie : In surgery with Arizona and Lexie. Lexie insisted in being in there because you couldn't

I need to see her. I need to see Winnie.

Authors Note
Have a drink and a
snack please

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