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It was silent all that could be heard was the steam billowing from the engine. The wheels were still spinning, slowing down as the car sits on it's roof in the ditch on the side of the road. Broken glass slowly fell down around them. Blood slowly trickled down the front window. One lay on the backseat still being held in by their seat belt while the other lay slumped over the top of them. Another stayed slumped in the front seat being held back by the steering wheel, while someone else was no where to be found.

Earlier that day

"How's the leg" Casey asked Skye as she walked out into the kitchen

"Sore" She replied

"So does that mean you can't go to the party tonight?"

"I'm still going"

"Cause Cory's gonna be there" He teased

"Why else would I do a 7 hour shift on a school night, on my birthday"
"But you go to school with him"

"Yeah but at school everyone's there and it's annoying"

"Everyone as in Spencer"

Skye stared at him "Well why are you going, it's not cause of Sasha is it"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"You mentioned Spencer so I can mention Sasha"

"She's not going"

"How do you know"

"She's school captain, she has more important things to do"

"You'd be surprised"

"I guess coming for a surf is out of the question then" He asked

"Very much so" She replied getting a bowl out of the cupboard

"What are you gonna do today"

"Got some homework to do" Skye said

"Your always doing homework"

"I care about school"

"What do you want to do when you leave school?" Casey asked
"It used to be a professional dancer, but don't know now"

"What's stopping you?"

"I don't do dance anymore"

"Doesn't mean you can't"

"What about you?" Skye asked

"Well I have to graduate school first" He said

"Fair enough, and what's the chance of that happening?"

"Very funny" Casey replied

"Morning all" Brax said walking into the kitchen

"Morning dad" Skye said hugging him

"Morning" Said Casey

"Hey dad, what are you gonna do with the flat next door?" Sye asked

"Why" He questioned "Your not planning on moving out of home already

"No, What if Kyle moved in there?" She asked

Casey dropped his spoon in his bowl and put it in the sink

"I'm gonna have a shower" He said waking off

"Why you mention this all the sudden" Brax asked
"Well Kyle is family and Heath's not there anymore so it seems right, otherwise it would just sit there empty"

"You do know Casey and Kyle don't get along right"

"From that little at just then, yeah I know and he's already told me before"

SECERTS ( HOME AND AWAY )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon