Chapter 10-- A new life, A new name, A new mate. (cleaned)

Começar do início

I left a small fraction of a smile turn my lips upward. It was no secret that Rhyan was always too overly loving and protective of Evan and that only helped the sigh of relief escape me that nearly everyone was more or less fine.

''Where's Leon?''

''His study. You can leave soon after your healing is done. That girl did some serious damage. Even for our healing progression it will take a while.''

''Who is she? What is she?''

''We don't know. Maybe a witch but they went extinct a long time ago. Leon is researching it. She's definitely not a were or a vampire that's for sure. You should sleep now.'' He squeezed my hand again before exiting the room and I slipped into a restless sleep.


The leather arm and leg restraints were rubbing and digging into my skin. I won't last much longer. With the rate I'm losing blood I'll break. I'll turn rogue from the pain; from the betrayal.

 Rogue was never something anyone could wish on anyone. It was a sad dark place that locked away all your humanity into your soul and left nothing more than a wild beast to do as it pleased. You were barely more intelligent than a mouse caught in a trap.

The steel door slammed open and light blazed through the door temporarily blinding me before it closed again with a wicked shriek as the steel found its place back into its frame.

''Have you changed your mind yet Taylar?'' My mother asked as my father stood in the shadows behind her.

She tapped her nails impatiently on the cold metal bench that I was strapped to as she awaited the answer I always answered with since the beginning of this sick torture; no. But this time I thought it better to use a stronger word. A more permanent word.

''Never'' I growled.

''Oh?Never?What if we sold your precious brother instead?''

''You wouldn't dare!'' I screamed trying to break the restraints.

He hadn't changed in front of them. I was the only one who knew he was special. I was the only one that knew he was pure white. He would never be treated as anything more than a precious gem in a glass case or a trophy on a wall. He would be a simple prize, not a human.

''Too latesweetie. I was a little rough when I punished him for making his big sister disappear. He's nothing but road kill now.'' My father said, stepping from behind the creature I called a mother.

''Oh, pity. I knew a man that would pay alot of money for a small frame, blue-eyed, fair skinned boy.'' She pouted and thumped into an old rickety chair.

I screamed and cursed at them both while choking on mournful screams. My brother, my precious baby Aiden, the last thing he heard was that it was his fault I was gone. I didn't even get to say goodbye before they locked me up.

I howled in grief and screamed while thrashing around again.And again.And again.

There was a slam as the door barged open and a thick throaty growl was heard.I adjusted my vision and looked at the enormous black wolf with grey eyes before me.

'Mate.' My wolf howled just before I blacked out and heard the screaming and ripping of flesh.

I woke to the bobbing and weightless feeling of being carried and looked at the guy carrying me bridal style.

He looked to only be a year or two older than me. He had thick black hair that looked so soft as it bounced in front of his steel grey eyes.

''Who are you?'' I asked softly.

''My name is Leon. I'm the Alpha of the Eastern Pack.'' He answered with the most beautiful authoritative voice that sent shivers through my body.

''Those people are dead. Who were they?'' he asked with a hint of disgust in his voice.

''My parents.'' I choked out.

He looked at me then looked again making sure he heard me right.

''Why did they do that?''

''I refused to be sold to the Northern Pack's Alpha.''

''What's your name?'' he changed the subject thankfully.


''Hm...'' He looked like he was thinking hard before he smiled down at me, the setting sun hitting his face at all the right points making his smile even more angelic.

''Would you like to start fresh in my pack?As my mate and the Alpha female of the Eastern Pack?Luna?''

I opened my eyes wide, shock stretching across my face at his offer, before nodding and drifting off into my first peaceful sleep in days.

My new life.

My new name.

My new mate.

Please be at peace Aiden.

I smiled into Leon's shoulder as my dreams filled with the possibilities of my future life and the memories of my past happiness with Aiden.




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He's My MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora