Chapter 3: Elisa's POV

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I look all around me, searching for a place to sit and peacefully eat my lunch without anyone harassing or swearing at me. Unfortunately, luck doesn't seem to be on my side today as every space in the canteen is taken.

I let out a frustrated sigh and turn back, heading towards the exit doors. If there is no place to sit in the canteen where I can't be bothered then my back up option is the girls' toilet.

Yes, the toilet.

As I walk past some of the lunch tables, most people stop, stare, point and laugh at how pathetic and lonely I am. I am aware of this and walk faster. But of course, there isn't a minute of the day when something goes my way.
As I pass the table that belongs to 'the populars', Brandon - the school's big, notorious player - sticks his foot out so fast that I trip over and fall flat on my face. I look up and watch helplessly as my spaghetti goes flying up into the air and comes crashing back down again, abruptly landing on my head.

The whole canteen break out into fits of laughter, calling me all sorts of horrible names. I let the tears fall freely down my face and let out a frustrated scream. I am sick of it. All of the bullying, the abuse, the name calling, everything!

I hastily get up off of the floor and run out of the canteen as fast as I can. I don't dare look back, not even a slight glance because if I do, I don't think I'll be able to take it anymore.

I push the door open to the girls' toilets and lock myself in one of the cubicles. Then I just completely and utterly breakdown.

I hate my life.

Can't they see how broken I am? Everyday I go through this, everyday I breakdown and cry. Not a day goes past where I'm not sad. What did I do to deserve this? Am I too ugly? Am I really that worthless?

I continue to cry, not caring who hears me. After a few moments I manage to calm myself down. Then I hear a sound and I stiffen.

I didn't hear anyone come in here.

"Who's there?" I ask in a shaky voice.

I hear another sound. I get down on my knees and look out from under the tiny gap. From what I can make out, there's someone there holding a...broom.

I freeze and my eyes go wide. I reach out and open the door. I peep out, scared that I'm going to get hit. However my body relaxes and I let out a sigh of relief when I realize that it's only the cleaner.

I quickly exit the toilet and head over to my locker, wiping my tears away with some toilet paper. Stay strong. I tell myself over and over again. I've been telling myself to stay strong ever since I can remember but if I'm being honest, I don't think I can hold on for much longer.

I near my locker and reach out to open it. I fiddle about, in search of my phone. Once I have found it, I call my mum and wait patiently for her to pick up.


"Mum! I want to come home! Please, pick me up!" I cry into my mobile, begging her to pick me up from this hell-hole.

"Don't be silly, dear. I used to hate school when I was a child too, but in the end, you get used to having to go to Hell five days a week."

"No," I sob, "you don't understand! I'm being bullied, mother!"

I hear her sigh. "Well, I've already had words with your headteacher, he said hell have a word with the students and tha-"

"Well guess what, mum," I cut her off, "he didn't do anything! I want to move schools!"

"Honey, you've moved schools more times then we've had hot meals," she replies flatly.

I let out an annoyed groan and hang up.

What can I do? I'm depressed and she doesn't even see it.

I grab my bag out of my locker and slam the door shut.

I'm getting out of this school one way or another.

And I know just how.


"Seriously, I think I have a serious disease," I sob uncontrollably whilst clutching my stomach.

"So let me get this straight, you threw up in the girls' toilets and now you have a splitting headache and unbearable stomach pains," the school nurse says. I nod my head as she continues, "You think it's a serious disease?"

I sniff as I nod my head, "I'm certain, I think I should go home," I say to her, hinting.

The nurse nods her head. "Yes, I think you should. Take the rest of the afternoon off, I'll explain to your teachers what has happened and why you won't be in this afternoon."

"I probably won't be in for the rest of the week if I'm honest. Like I said before, I'm sure it's a serious illness. I should take some time to recover. I wouldn't want anyone else getting ill."

The nurse nods her head sympathetically and doesn't even bother to argue. I smile weakly at her and exit out of the room.

As soon as I'm out of the building and exit the school gates, I can't help but grin.

No school for a week...get in!

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