Chapter 40

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Door bell rings. Tanya stood up to open the door and came back with a bag with evidence and device in it. Blonde stood up and took the bag from her to take the device and handed one to me. He took out his phone and typed something.

 "Me and Sira will be checking for the bugs till then you all should talk about Lydia and make fake plans on how to find her and all so then they will not be suspicious if the can hear us." sent Blonde.

 Everyone nodded. 

I turned on the device and started with her and mine room. And started searching going through drawers, beds under the bed, shelves and photo frames. One thing caught my eye was a photo frame. It was our picture both of us looking at each other smiling. I cleary remember the day it was taken. I was on top of her and kept on pecking her lips and all over face just to annoy her and wake her up.


"Mmmmm, Siraaa." she said groaning. "What are you doing, I am sleeping." 

"Whyyy are you sleeping Lydiaa" She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Sira, I am tired. Pleasee can I sleep."she said rubbing her eyes and stretching her arms. I ignored her and stuffed my face in the crook of her neck and left sloppy kisses there. "Siraa" she said chuckling. 

I huffed and got off her and laid next to her but keeping a distance for her to know I am angry. "Hey" she whined. "Now you are getting angry when you wake me up from my beauty sleep." I ignored her and rolled on the other side so my back is facing her. I could feel shuffling behind me and felt an arm on my waist. 

"Hey, what happen to the annoying Sira" she said turning me to face her and furrowed her brows looking at my pouty face. " Why that pouty face" she asked stroking my cheeks. " I want attention. I want attention from you. From my girlfriend and I ain't getting it. I want cuddles, I want kisses. But here you are sleeping and I trying to get attention from you." 

"Ohhh is it, Babe you know I am tired from all the day of work and gradings." I looked at her is she forgetting that I have to workout after school and then complete all my school works and then study for the tests. 

"It's just— you know what leave it let's just cuddle and sleep. I am sorry that I disturbed you." I said facing her and wrapping my hands around her torso and hiding my face in the crook of her neck. I felt her rubbing my hips. Her fingers playing with the hem of my shirt and feeling her cold thumb stroking my hips. 

"Hey" she said moving a bit back to take a look at my face. "Tell me what happen" I sighed and hugged her tightly feeling her body's warmth against mine. 

"It's just I miss you, and I am scared that one day when I come back home from work or after school and not find you. This thought of losing you makes me scared to death." She took a hold of my chin and looked in my eyes.

 "Sira, I love you. Believe me when I say I have the same thought of not seeing you here at home when I come back from work, makes me scared as hell too. But due to our lives conditions currently we can't do anything except just wait and know what the future brings on us. The only thing we can do is all the moments we spent together we spent it like our last moments with no regrets. And be sure to choose all the decisions which leads our future to be a happily ever after."

 I softly chuckled and felt her fingers on my cheeks wiping my tears that I din't even notice. I kissed her lips tenderly and pull back after a moment for air. I felt her moving and grabbed her phone and turned on her camera.

 "What are you doing?" I questioned.

"Capturing our beautiful moment Sira" I chuckled shaking my head and looked at her in her blueish mix greenish eyes staring right back into my brown ones. This is the moment I was missing looking in her eyes and getting lost in it.

 Away from the problems. Away from the reality. 


I was shook out of my thoughts when Blonde called me out. 

"Yea" I said wiping out tears from my cheek and turned to face him. 

"ohhh , you are crying. What happen". I shook my head and he was going to say something until he saw the picture frame in my hand and he understood. He took out his phone and texted.

 "There is one bug under the kitchen table". Sent Blonde.

 Great let me check upstairs give me 15 minutes to check then I will join you guys downstairs. So I was right indeed. 

Bloody Bastard bugging my house.

Guest room checked, Shelves checked, Bed and under the bed, checked, Washroom checked, Dressing room checked. None found. 

Walking through the dressers to check the pillow covers once more to be sure enough. 

Beep Beep Beep. WHAT THE FUCK. 

I moved back again to check from where was this device picking up the bugs frequency. OH HELL NO. Her fucking purse.

 I texted in the group. Found one and last bug in this house, on her purse. I sent. Walking downstairs I met everyone in hall. "Let's get started now shall we." 

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