Chapter Twenty-Eight

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•<<chapter twenty eight>>•
•~•Will we meet again?•~•


Only if he knew.

Yoongi didn't realize he was literally staring at the male until one of the maids spoke.

'Sir here is your americano'

'Uh keep it here. Also will you be okay with juice or if you need coffee then let them know. Also the driver will be here soon' Yoongi said turning to Jimin's side again, taking his coffee he got up from his seat and left the place.

Soon Jimin was done with breakfast. And by then the driver has arrived. He bowed at Yoongi was who was seating on his couch sipping his coffee. Jimin walked towards him.

'I'll be taking my leaving. Thank you for last night and also for the breakfast.' He bowed a lil.

Yoongi nodded.

The maids handed Jimin his clothes from last night. He realized he didn't even change. Yoongi noticed his frown from the corner of his eyes.

'You can keep those it's fine.'

And so Jimin left with his driver. Yoongi saw him leaving through his big clear windows that were in his living room. And only one thought came into his mind.

'Will we meet again?'

Jimin was staring at the window of the car. The weather was looking fine but soon again he became sad the thought of his bestfriend. And with this thought, time flew and soon he was standing infront of his hotel room.

He went inside his hotel room and saw a very furious male who got up from his seat and head towards Jimin.


And that's when another realization hit him about his phone. He quickly looked into his pockets and found it dead. He didn't dare to look at the furious male but nonetheless he did.

'I-I um sorry Jin hyung..'

'SORRY? For what Jiminei? Because you didn't let me know about your whereabouts or why you didn't pick up you call? Oh I know why. Because to see me even more tensed up and I would be worried sick then maybe I would call the police because YES THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS ABOUT TO DO' Jin spoke in one go. Guilt could be seen on Jimin's face.

'I'm really sorry hyung.. I didn't mean to..'


'I-I went for a drink last night.. and I got way too much tipsy and two men uh...'

Jin's eyes got wide open at this.

'Two men did what Jiminie..?' His voice was somewhat angry and calm for Jimin. He took Jimin and made him sat on the bed.

'Don't worry hyung they couldn't do anything of that sort because I don't if it's my luck or not but a ginger meanie came to my rescue' Jimin chuckled at the word ginger meanie.

'Who? Ginger? And what happened Jimin. Tell me everything.'

'Yes so as I was saying that how two men approached me outside the club and before anything could happened, that ginger meanie came at the right time and punched a guy. I'm not sure what happened afterwards because I blacked out due to the pain from my headache and from the drinks. When I woke up, I saw i was in a unfamiliar room. And by one maid I got to know I was in some Min's mansion? I was also given this clothes. As i went downstairs guess who I saw? That same ginger meanie. So it turns out he took me to his mansion last night after I blacked out. He saved me actually and fed me breakfast. And then his driver just dropped me off here. I'm so sorry hyung. I didn't even realize that my phone's battery drained. And I made you worried sick...' Jimin said.

'Omg Jiminie.. it's fine. I'm the one who should apologize.. You know Ta- so I got a lil bit sad and bashed it on you.. I don't know how you felt and went through last night.. and I don't care about anything. Because you will be having an officer with you all the time. That's it.'

'But hyung I don't n-'

'Do not say forward. I said what I said.'

And so Jin got up from the bed and called for an officer. Because Taehyung was already missing and he can't bear to lose his another dongsaeng.

The officer arrived within an hour. And knocked on Jimin's hotel room. Jin was also there.

'Good afternoon sir, I'm Lee Felix from department 2, a senior officer.' He bowed.

Jin took his ID and scanned properly.

'Good felix. Now here he is your priority. And make sure he is your first priority. Stay by him all the time. Make sure he is safe.' Jin said sternly as an senior agent.

'Yes sir' Felix again bowed.

'Hyung please calm down..' Jimin said to Jin.

'I'll get going then Jimin. Please be safe.' Jin said and left the suite.

'Hello sir' Felix said to Jimin.


'Please don't worry about anything from onwards and also I'll be staying by your side 24/7. I'll be keeping you safe.' Felix said.

' thank you. You can take up the spare room please if you are willing to stay' Jimin said eyeing the suitcase nearby.

'Sure sir, Thank you.'

And so Felix went to his assigned room and took his earpiece. The next words were way too shocking.

'I'm in,my love'

'Alright goodluck honey. Make sure he is safe.'
The voice came from the other side of the piece.


Hello it's author.
So who might it be?
Thank you for reading.
My apologies for any mistakes.
Lots of love💜🥺❤️
Also I'm loving these two chapters🫶🏻🫶🏻
Hope you like it too.
966 words.

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