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*The trip to the Bahamas didn't last too long and it was our last day. We spent a few hours packing and cleaning up our room and once we finished we went downstairs to get some food*

James: so when's our flight?

Maddison: I'm not sure I think around 7pm

Alex: ya but we should get to the airport at around 5pm to make sure we make it

Maddison: ya
*I said while grabbing the last spoon of salad from the salad bar and walking back to our table*

Maddison: hey uh have any of u seen Jaden today..
*I said while taking a seat next to alex*

Alex: nope
*alex said while giving me a confused look*

James: is everything ok?

Maddison: yup! I just wanted to return his sweater before the flight.

Alex: oh alright!


*After we ate we went to the beach for the last time since we were leaving and after that we went back to the hotel to get ready for our flight*

Maddison: did u guys get everything?
*I said while closing my last luggage*

James: yup

Alex: ya
*Alex said while opening the door to our room and walking to the elevator*


*it had been 8 hours since we got on the plane and we were almost home. I listened to some music and watched "the office" on one of the mini tv's on the back of alex's seat the rest of the plane ride and we were finally back in Atlanta Georgia. Once we arrived and got out of the plane the teachers took attendance to make sure everyone was there and then alex's parents drove me back home*

Maddison: thank you so much!

Josh: no problem!
*Josh is alex's dad*

Alex: bye!
*Alex said while hugging me*

*once they drove off I opened the door and ran upstairs to my room. My grandparents were probably asleep since all the lights in the house were turned off so I didn't wake them up. I was so tired from the plane that I wasn't in the mood to unpack. I plopped myself on my bed and opened tiktok. After a few scrolls I got up from my bed and opened my luggage to find Jadens sweater. I grabbed it and ran outside*

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