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Alex: so are we gonna just ignore the fact that Ava's a big bitch.
*Alex said while getting into Bryce's car*

Maddison: yup

Alex: so ur just gonna forget about u and Jaden. That easily?

Maddison: I don't wanna 'steal' someone else's bf.

Alex: not if shes a b-
*Alex got cut off by Bryce*

Bryce: HOLD ON WDYM BY 'ur gonna forget about Jaden that easily' WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?

Alex: oh so basically-

Maddison: NO! Nothing it's nothing

Bryce: we're u and Jaden a thing? What happened

Alex: they kissed so ya I guess!

Maddison: no we're not a thing. He's in a relationship

Alex: ya and not a happy one

Bryce: true. Idek Jaden but he seems like he doesn't like Ava. I mean they were fighting over u anyways what did u do?

Maddison: Idk! I rly think she thinks I want to 'steal' Jaden away from her

Bryce: and..

Maddison: I don't wanna steal him...

Bryce: k but do u like him?

Maddison: Idk enough about him to even make a decision..

Alex: so go out on a date with him!

Bryce: but as friends. To get to know him and then u can decide if u like him or not

Maddison: he has a girlfriend though. I bet ava was just yelling at Jaden rn cause I was talking to him the other day. I'm sure it's nothing serious. Just imagine how mad she'd get if we went out on a DATE even as 'friends'
*the conversation had ended after that and we never brought it up again...*
*FEW DAYS LATER (Bryce had gone back to LA)


Ms.Wilson: good afternoon class...yes Ik it's last period and everyone is tired but we have some very exciting news!
*Ms Wilson reached into her bag and pulled out a stack of papers*
Ms.Wilson: we will be going on a trip to LA!
*I was rly excited to go to LA because my sister lived there and my brother Bryce had just left to LA so I could see them both again*

*she handed out the papers and while doing that she said the following*
Ms.Wilson: make sure a parent or guardian can sign this! To make sure u can come because we will be taking the plane there. It's a 11 hour flight! We will be taking a 2 hour long bus ride to reach to the airport and then get on the plane. Now choose a partner to sit on the bus with*

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