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*The weekend after me and Jaden had a fight actually past by pretty quick and I went back to school. I still hadn't talked to Jaden but I had class with him next.*

Ms.Wilson: ur late.
*ms Wilson said as she saw me walk into her classroom*

Maddison: ya sorry..

Ms.Wilson: and why exactly were u late?

Maddison: I don't know?

Ms.Wilson:...u don't know?


Ms.Wilson: EXCUSE ME!?

Maddison: sorry.

Ms.Wilson: let's talk outside pls.

*Ms Wilson brought me outside of the class to talk about why I was so mad. I made up some excuse and she fell for it. She told me if I needed to talk to someone I could always talk to her. I told her about how I wanted to change spots with Nick and she made me explain why. She let me switch spots next to Jaden. I knew it would be akward but I wanted to be friends again. Not a weird thing. Just F-R-I-E-N-D-S.*

*Jaden gave me the side eye as I sat next to him*

Maddison: hey
*Jaden didn't respond*

Maddison: ur seriously giving me the silent treatment.
*Jaden still didn't respond*

*the bell rang and class finally finished. As Jaden walked out of class I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the Janitors closet*

Maddison: stop ignoring me.
*he still didn't answer*

Maddison: Fine then I'll make u
*I said as I opened the Janitor closet and stepped out. Then Jaden grabbed my hand and pulled me back in*

Jaden: just tell me why u brought me here

Maddison: you know I never meant to call u a stranger

Jaden: mhm
*Jaden said while opening the door and walking out*

Maddison: Jaden! U didn't let me explain!

Jaden: there's nothing to explain. U said what u said.
*Jaden said while continuing to walk*


Alex: that's all he said?

Maddison: mhm.

James: Ik what'll cheer u up!

Maddison: what..

James: my party tonight!

Maddison: ehh idk. Is Jaden gonna be there?

James: ya..

Maddison: then I'll pass

James: pls come! Alex and me are there and it'll be the best!

Maddison: maybe..

Alex: great I'll pick u up at 7!

Maddison: I said may-
*Alex and James walked out of my room*


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