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Arthur ran up the steps and threw open the massive rain-glass and wrought-iron front entry, then frantically burst through the double library doors. He found his master, Sir Edward, sitting on the sofa, piles of photo albums on the coffee table in front of him. There was a thick volume lying open on his lap and Arthur noticed the man had removed his wire-rimmed reading glasses, and was just wiping at the corner of his eye as the butler entered.

"Master, forgive me for barging in, but it's young Master Ross!"

"What? What did you say, Artie? Something about Ross?" Edward turned to gaze over his shoulder, behind him, to where his servant was striding, with purpose, across the room.

"Yes, Sir. It's Ross. He's gone." Arthur shook his head and closed his eyes. "Or, rather, I should say...he ran off. I chased after him, but he eluded me." The butler had come to a stop in front of his master, who blinked intently and dipped his chin. Deep frown lines were forming on either side of his mouth and a crease appeared between his dark, bushy brows. Edward squinted at Arthur, a new expression of realization on his face. He shoved the photo album off his lap and shot up, onto his feet.

"Ran off, you say?" His voice was a low grumble as he shoved a hand through his thick, ebony hair. "Where to?"

Arthur sputtered quickly in response. "He ran down the drive, Sir. But when he saw me driving behind him, he diverted from the gravel, and headed into the trees."

Edward faltered two steps back, then caught himself on the arm of a wing-backed chair. Arthur jutted forward to catch his elbow, but Edward shook the hand off.

"The trees?...not the trees." Edward murmured, inhaling deeply. Then he exhaled loudly, standing upright again.

"Yes, Sir," Arthur resumed, "I worry about the enchantments. But he can't possibly go very far in stocking feet. He wasn't wearing any shoes."

"No shoes?" Edward echoed, turning to face his servant.

"That's right, Sir. He is just very upset about his sisters leaving. I'm sure he'll be fine. Boy of his age and all."

"But the enchantments. You're right to worry. Now that Lady Lydia's gone...the protections went with her." Edward strode across the room to his desk and picked up the receiver on the phone sitting on its surface. After pressing some buttons, he put the handle to his ear.

"Ardal, it's me, Edward. I have an urgent situation that requires your help. It's my son, Ross. He ran off into the forest on my property. Yes, I do realize. Can you rally the troops? Yes, have everyone come up to the house first. We'll organize from here. Good thinking. Absolutely, bring your dogs and the kennel master. I'll have Arthur locate a piece of Ross's clothing from the laundry so the pups can familiarize themselves with his scent." Edward glanced across the room to his butler, who nodded, raised his index finger in the air, then turned and dashed out the library doors. "And Ardal," Edward resumed, "we're going to need a powerful sorcerer for casting protection spells. As soon as possible. Within the hour would be best. It will be dark soon. Right. If we are to follow his tracks. Thanks, Ardal. See you soon."


Arthur opened the massive front door to find a disheveled-looking, fair-haired man. He was dressed strangely, in azure blue breeches that stopped just below his knees, sock-less sandals strapped on his feet, and a loose, blue and gray plaid tunic grazed the tops of his thighs. Over his shoulders, and knotted at the neck, the man wore a substantial, two-sided cape - in solid goldenrod on one side, with yellow and purple plaid on the other. A handcrafted leather pouch was strapped loosely around his waist.

As Arthur stepped aside to allow the visitor entrance, he heard Edward approach from the library.

"Slainte." His master said in greeting, and Arthur watched as the two men grasped right-side forearms in an unusual way, clapping one another on the back with their left hands in a brotherly embrace.

"Ninian, Thank you for coming." Edward began, "especially on such short notice."

"Of course, Edward. I'm sorry to hear about your son. How can I help?" Ninian stepped back and gazed into Edwards gray eyes.

"Your particular gifts are of special necessity here tonight, so I'm glad you arrived before the others." Edward motioned for the other man to follow him into the library.

"How much do you know about the lands surrounding Mac Paidin Manor?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not much, I'm afraid," Ninian replied. "Though I did sense some type of magical energy as I was making my way up your drive." He paused, pressing his lips together into a tight line. "Dark energy." He dipped his chin and gazed at his host.

Edward's chest expanded as he inhaled deeply. He slowly nodded his head. Very slowly.

"Yes. Good intuition. The woods surrounding the manor are enchanted. It hasn't been an issue for many years...because Lady Lydia was here. She placed protection spells around the manor when we married and she took up residence here. Her presence prevented any kind of...engagement..." He paused, bowing his head and placing two fingers to the underside of his nose.

"Forgive's been very difficult with her gone." He glanced briefly at his guest, who nodded in response.

"You said engagement? What kind of engagement are you referring to?" Ninian asked, tucking a long strand of blonde hair behind a pierced lobe.

Edward rolled his eyes and wiped an open palm across his creased forehead.

"It's Lydia's extended family," he began. He bit his lower lip, then licked it with his tongue.

"You see...they are powerful beings from a demon realm called Blarjord." 

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