(wither heart) Purge his curse

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I just waked up after helping azura yesterday, and before I left my house, I quickly go shower and change my clothes and left. I was heading to the castle and see azura sitting in the bench with her hand on her forehead,  "azura, are you okay?" I said " I'm okay, its just rain, we can't fully heal him because he has a curse" she said worryingly, "hmmm" I looked to the ground and just thinking if I could help, then a remembered something their's a woman at the witches coven that can heal curses, "Azura, where's patrick?!" I immediately said "uugh, in his office, why?" "Because I know a place the can heal a cursed person!", I then ran as fast as I can and head to patrick's office.

When I got there I knocked on sir patrick's door, and heard him say "come in!", I opened the door and see patrick looking at me, "what's the problem?" He said " sir, I know a place that can heal rain's curse but I need him here to hear the journey" I said directly, patrick said "ok", He pressed a button and called rain in.

Then the door opened and see rain for the first time, "he's so handsome" I thought and I suddenly have a crush on him, but I suddenly snap back to reality and hear patrick introduce me to rain and rain to me and I then raise my hand and said "hi" to rain and rain said "hi" back, then patrick said "what's the plan?" "Oh ok, The mystic forest houses the coven a clan of witches prowess for the mystic arts, will go there to purge his curse" I said while pointing at a map " you've heard nothing from them since the undead reign, there far to isolated and the danger that awaits you are unknown!" He says worryingly but has an angry tone, "but we have to take this risk!" Rain then get interrupted "And save you again? What are you without a Dragon, dragon tamer?" He said with angry tone again "SILENCE!, you speak like zombies are an obstacle, but I alone have faced far more powerful foes than this walking corpses you speak of" He said with angry tone too "*Laughs* relax~, We're more capable of putting up a fight, don't worry about us sire" I said calmly like this two, XD " *hesitates*, Your call BUT THIS TIME I won't be held responsible if anything happens to you dragon tamer! You better get back here sa-" he get's interrupted by rain "we WILL get back here safely, see you soon sire" he almost yelled but calms down, "*clap* great, rain get your swords and we're leaving" I said,

He nodded and we both walked out of the room.

Couple of minutes later, rain finally gooes out with his sword and armor, and before we left we said farewell to azura and sir Patrick, then we walked out through the gate and into the forest and begin our journey.

I feel awkward if i'm gonna talk to rain so we were just silent all the way through a ruin town and the dark forest, and now its been couple of hours since we left frostbourne, and then I see rain fell over end her face almost turns black and it was also getting dark so we just set camp and wait until the night ends.

I was reading my spell book until a I hear a stick shatter, I quickly look and see rain picks up his swords and I looks at my back and just see a horde of zombies, I quickly ready up my book and just hit three zombies with my fireballs coming out of my hands and I summon three swords for the last one.

After that, I looked at rain and he was looking tired, I was worried so I tried to talk but he then looked at me with his left eye black, I gasp "rain! Are you alright?" I said "Yes, let's move or they'll attack as again!" He said with a confident tone, this the first time I talked to rain from this journey.

We started walking and see the river, I summon a boat and we started sailing, I was looking at rain's face to see the damage, "Omg, we need you healed up quick!" I said, he just closed his eyes knowing that the curse is making him tired, as the boat got to shore, I then helped rain get out of the boat, we then walk and walk until I see the coven, I heard a thud and turn to my back and see rain fell over, I ran to him and he was just looking at me, I know than I need to get the book, so I just ran to the coven.

When I got through the gate, I see the coven in ruins and see lots of the witches bodies, I was about to cry, but I sense an evil presence I look up the roof and there was a big skeleton with red eyes, he jumped and into the ground and he stands up and shows his power, I know that this guy is gonna be strong, so I ready up my book and summon a shield he then flies up to me and broke through the shield I was punched, kicked, and thrown constantly, and before he attacks again I quickly stood up and summon three swords and hit the thing with it, and summon a laser and hit the skeleton, he then threw a fireball and hit me with it, I was thrown away and into the wall, I then looked up the skeleton and he was charging towards me, I know that I have no chance, so I just summon a portal, the thing went inside and I just closed the portal banishing him in the nether.

After that, I remembered rain, so I quickly search the book and found it first try, I then walked towards rain and started the spell, "don't worry rain" I thought, The spell was to strong and I was covered in wounds so I was struggling, after the spell was done, I quickly broke down in tears and hug rain "so, glad your ok" I said faintly.

Author: this is the longest part i've made.

Stella's StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora