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The next day, Kara went back to CatCo while Lena went to the tower.

When Alex noticed that Lena was in a very good mood, she became suspicious. Kara had not called her and she knew that Lena and Kara had a conversation. That's why she was now convinced that everything had gone well and Kara had probably found out that Lena had feelings for her, too. But she would still find out from Kara, she would make sure of that.

But since Kara would come later and Alex didn't want to wait that long, she went to Lena.

"Hey Lena"

"oh hey, Alex. Everything okay?", Lena asked happily.

"Yes, and you?"

"Everything is fine", Lena said a bit dreamily. But when she saw Alex's curious look, she pulled herself together not to think about Kara anymore.

Alex didn't want to bother Lena anymore, so she just nodded and walked away.

Lena found Alex's behavior strange. She then remembered that Kara said Alex would quickly figure it out herself. But during Kara's absence, they became closer, so she didn't care if Alex knew or not.

Lena was working intently on her invention when someone suddenly tapped her on the shoulder. She quickly turned around and saw her blonde-haired superheroine. "Hey, Miss Luthor," Kara grinned. She had missed Lena very much and would love to kiss her. But she respected Lena's wish to keep it a secret for now.

"Kara! You're lucky I don't scare easily, or I would have crushed that chip." Lena tried to sound stern, but she couldn't hide her happiness at finally seeing Kara again.

"I'm sorry baby," Kara whispered. Lena melted. She loved it when Kara called her that. She quickly looked around and saw only Alex, so she took a step closer to Kara and hugged her.

"It's not that bad. I'm glad you're finally here." She let go of Kara again and turned back to her invention.

Kara watched curiously as Lena worked. "What is this anyway, or rather what is it going to be?" Lena looked at her and said mysteriously: "I won't tell you yet." As Kara was about to say something, Alex joined them.

"Kara, there is a suspicion that-" Alex saw that she had just interrupted something. "Am I interrupting?" Kara came to her and pointed to Lena's invention. "She doesn't want to tell me what she is building," Kara pouted. Alex started to laugh because Kara sounded like a little kid. "Then you'll just have to wait and see, Kara. Come with me now, there is a suspicion that a group of aliens wants to attack the president. Lena come too, we need to go through all the information together."

Lena nodded in agreement and made her way to the information room.

"So for days, there has been a certain group that has been watching the routine on these streets every day. We suspect that they are targeting the President. Because these are all the routes that the president sometimes takes. But it could also be pure coincidence, which I don't believe. Supergirl, it would be good if you check out this patrol and try to figure out what they are up to. Brainy try to find out more about each of the participants. Nia try to see in the future if this group is causing problems. Alex and Lena, you can pick up where you left off," J'onn ordered.

Lena immediately went back to her inventions while the others also carried out their orders.

Kara wanted to quickly say goodbye to Lena, but Alex got in her way.

"Where are you going, miss?"

"Nowhere," Kara said quickly.

Alex pointed to her forehead, "Crinkle!"

Kara quickly covered it. "Are you serious?" Alex started to laugh. "Kara. What happened between you and Lena yesterday? She looked very happy and dreamy today."

Kara stared at Alex with wide eyes. "Really?!" Alex just shook his head. "Kara we have to work now, but after you check out the patrol I'll come to your house and you tell me everything okay? No excuses." Kara just swallowed and whispered okay. Satisfied, Alex went to do her work.

Kara walked unobtrusively to Lena.

"Kara? Don't you need to check something?", Lena asked when she noticed the blonde-haired girl.

Kara quickly looked around and saw only Nia, who was talking to Brainy.

Then she turned back to Lena and grinned. "Can't I give my best friend a goodbye hug?"

Lena smiled and raised an eyebrow. , "You just want to give your 'best friend' a hug?"

Kara gulped and whispered: "Rao Lee, you look so sexy when you do that with your eyebrow." Lena blushed slightly and smiled shyly.

Kara came closer to her and gave her an unobtrusive hug. At least that's what Lena thought until Kara inconspicuously approached her ear. Kara's hands slowly slid down to Lena's hips, then Kara wrapped her hands around Lena and pulled her lightly against her. Her lips approached Lena's ear and Kara gently bit at Lena's earlobe.

Lena shuddered and Kara could hear Lena's heart beating faster. "I would love to kiss you right now, baby girl," Kara whispered in a rough voice.

She let go of Lena again and saw that her face had turned red and she was speechless. Kara grinned cheekily again. She winked at her and disappeared before Lena could say anything back.

Lena tried to calm down again. If this goes on, she's going to kill me. She looked around quickly, but no one in the group was watching. If they had, they would have seen only a hug between best friends. Kara had hidden it well and kept her word.

Lena turned back to her inventions, but she couldn't get Kara's touch out of her mind. She could still feel the tingling on her skin. Kara provoked me like that on purpose because I had asked if she would manage not to kiss me here. God but now I would love to kiss her, luckily she's gone or I wouldn't be able to hold back, Lena thought.

The black-haired girl had never seen this side of Kara before, but she liked it. Very much even. "Okay, stop now. Lena concentrate. Stop thinking about her all the time," she muttered.

When after 2 hours she still couldn't stop thinking about Kara, she gave up. She wanted to get to her, as soon as possible. She picked up her bag, said goodbye to Nia and Brainy, and went on her way.

Here is chapter 19

I hope you like it ;)

If you ever want to write me and need someone to listen to you, feel free to write me on Instagram ( _scorpiongirl_04)

Your scorpiongirl

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