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Kara and Lena were sitting on the couch watching a movie together. Lena lay in Kara's arms and Kara stroked her fingers through Lena's black hair.

"Kara?" The blonde-haired girl turned her gaze from the TV and searched Lena's green eyes. "Yes?"

"W-what is this anyway?"

Kara looked at her confused. "What's what Lena?"

Lena looked at her and then pointed at Kara and herself. , "This between us. What are we?" Kara smiled. "What do you think we are?"

"I-I...", Lena fell silent.

Kara put her finger lightly under Lena's chin and pushed up slightly so that Lena would look at her again. "Miss Luthor, since when are you at a loss for words?" Lena blushed slightly. Kara noticed that Lena was really in doubt. It was normal, she wasn't used to having someone who cared about her and was there for her.

Therefore Kara gave her a gentle kiss and whispered: "Lee, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Tears formed in Lena's eyes. She said yes with her head and gave Kara another kiss before snuggling even closer to Kara.

When the movie was over, they both lay down in bed. This time Kara was the big spoon and Lena snuggled up to her. She felt borrowed and safe. She only had this feeling with Kara and she loved it.

"Kara? Could we please keep our relationship a secret for the beginning?" Lena suddenly interrupted the silence.

"Why?", Kara asked in surprise. "I would feel more comfortable if everyone didn't know at once. I want to take it slowly. Is that okay?" Lena turned to Kara so she could interpret her facial expressions.

"Okay baby," Kara replied. "But I don't keep secrets from Alex. And she knows that I like you. She's going to find out pretty quickly."

But Lena didn't get the rest. "Baby?" she asked softly. Kara looked at her questioningly but then she suddenly realized that she had called Lena that. "Oh, I'm sorry, it just came out like that. Is it too early to call you that?" Lena interrupted her with a kiss. "No, you can call me that. I like it." Kara smiled and pulled Lena closer to her.

"That means tomorrow, when we're in the tower, I have to pretend we're just best friends?" asked Kara.

"Yes, for now. Do you think you can make it?"

Kara grinned cheekily, "Oh yes, I can manage not to kiss you in front of the others. But I don't know if you'll be able to stand it babygirl." Lena laughed, "We'll see it tomorrow then darling."

Here is chapter 18.

It's pretty short.... sorry!

Your Scorpiongirl :)

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