The Outspoken King

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She was laying on her couch writing music, dressed in a hoodie and some shorts. She had been keeping herself cooped up in her home for days after her and Max had gotten into a fight about her vacation once again.

"How come I wasn't on the list of being invited to the UK?  You had every friend on the list but not me? Your girlfriend? Kelly seriously? Even that bitch that you used to fuck with was there. That is not ok" Max ranted to Kelly as they stood in her living room.

Kelly stood there and listened to her feeling bad. She had honestly forgot about Max being so excited that they were going on vacation but at the same time, Max always declined going with her places so she didn't think it would be a big deal if she didn't.

"Max you're not actually my girlfriend. We have fucked around for a long time and just are calling each other that and you always say no when I ask if you want to go somewhere with me" Kelly said but immediately regretted it as she saw the look on Max's face.

"I might not be your actual girlfriend but we act like a couple so I thought I would get the respect a girlfriend would get. You told me your ex did you dirty and she was thought of before me. That's something I am not going to deal with" Max grabbed her things and walked out of the penthouse.

Kelly had been calling Max everyday only to be sent to voicemail. She knew she fucked up and what she did was wrong. She hoped she can make it right. She just needed Max to talk to her. She heard the ding of her elevator and in walked her friends making her sigh.

"Ok get up" Jade pulled up into a sitting position.

Kelly whined and Jason sat next to her. Ryan sat on the other side of her and the two girls each took a bean bag.

"You need to get up and stop sulking" Kelly rolled her eyes at Jason, and he nudged her.

"You know I'm right" she cracked a little smile as she slid down onto her floor, in front of the coffee table, and let Jade grab her music book.

"Let's see what you have in here" Jade flipped through each page stopping at a song. She read the song and nodded, smiling.

"This is the one we are going to sing" Kelly stared as she passed the book around for them to see.

They all nodded and went to the bags that Kelly didn't see them bring, taking out instruments. She furrowed her eyebrows but let them do whatever they were doing, looking at the song they picked 'Go with Gravity'. She smiled a bit and Jade started it off with the guitar. Then Ryan tapped his drumsticks on the table.

"I'm going over, I'm falling free. Don't care if no one's ever there to catch me" she started to sing.

"I'll close my eyes, and I'm gonna let it be. I'm gonna go with gravity, go with gravity." She smiled at them all.

They always knew how to make her feel better. None of them noticed Cookie walk in to check in on her daughter only to hear her singing.

"Feel the wind in my hair spinning me around, around. Caught in mid air not afraid of nothing now, no. Take a breath and take a chance, and let it take me away. I'll never let the weight of the world pull me down"

"Maybe I should trust, maybe this is fate. It's okay to fall cuz imma get back up again..." Kelly sang once they rushed to Empire to record the song for the channel.

They had all the instruments to make it sound better than before at the apartment. Patience and Jade were on the electric guitars, Jason on the keyboard and Ryan at the drums while Kelly sang center stage to sing out all her emotions. 

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