"Oh this is one of the new players, Adam" I said

"Nice to meet you Adam I'm Tanika" She said shaking his hand and he didn't even want to let go of her hand but she eventually broke the touch

"Bye Ben, see you tomorrow" Tanika said putting her bag on her back

I then held Tanikas hand as we walked to the car

"How was the shift" I asked

"Oh my gosh babe you won't believe what happened" Tanika said very dramatically

"What happened" I asked

"There was this boy he came with his girlfriend, I served him the bill right and he slipped his number into my pocket when his girlfriend wasn't looking" Tanika said

"Wow what a weirdo" I said

"I know right, so when I told Ben he started laughing at me, because I asked him if I should tell his girlfriend of just leave it" Tanika said

"I hope he learnt his lesson not to flirt with my girl" I said

"I'm sure he did" Tanika said

"Adam is it okay if I stop for a few Powerades" I asked

"No problem" He said

"I'll go in" Tanika said

"Thank you, here's the cash" I said

"Be right back" Tanika said walking into the store

"Bro I didn't even know that was your girl" Adam said

"She's gorgeous isn't she" I laughed

"Yes, very. Why didn't you tell me she was your girl" He asked

"I wanted you to figure it out" I said

"Well played" Adam laughed

"I also got some candy" Tanika said handing me a Powerade and sour patch kids

"Here you go Adam, you got you skittles you look like a skittles typa guy" Tanika said

"You're absolutely right, thank you" Adam said

"Thank you babe" I said

"You're welcome" She said

Not long after that we pulled up to Adams house, it was too big but not too small either.

"Thank you guys" Adam said

"No problemo" I said

"See you tomorrow, have wonderful evening" Adam said

"You too Adam" Tanika said before we drove away

"He didn't know you were taken, he actually wanted your number" I laughed

"I could tell something was off when he shook my hand" Tanika laughed with me

"Atleast now he knows that você é meu" I smirked

"What does that mean" Tanika asked

"You're mine" I said putting my hand on her thigh and she obviously blushed

"Guess who was at practice today, wearing almost no clothes at all" I said

"Madison Laronso" Tanika said

"Bingo" I said

"What did she want this time" Tanika asked

"She came to cheer me on, because apparently that's what a girlfriend should do" I said

"Baby, you know I would, if I didn't have work" Tanika said

"I know, she's just spoilt" I said pulling up to Tanikas driveway

"Thank you for the ride" Tanika said

"You're welcome" I said putting my hand on her waist and she placed her hand on my cheek, and I placed my lips onto hers

"I love you" I said

"I love you more" Tanika said breaking the kiss

"I love you more" I said

"No I love you more" She said

"No I love her more" Mayah said popping her head through my window

"Mayah" I said giving her a hug

"Hello Enri" She said

"I love Tanika more" I said

"Don't even start with me" Mayah frowned

"Bye babe, I'll see you tomorrow" Tanika said

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