3- Flirter

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Enrico POV
After school I went to soccer with a few friends, and obviously Madison was there cheering for me by the benches

"What are you doing here Madison" I asked putting my water and phone on the bench

"I'm here to cheer you on, since your 'girlfriend' isn't" She said

"Well my girlfriend is working because she isn't spoilt like you" I said

"Oh well, if we were together I would come to every practice and cheer you on" Madison said

"You're not supposed to come and cheer on practices" I said

"I'll cheer you on at matches and at practices" Madison said

"Hmmhmm" I said

"Doesn't that turn you on" She asked

"No, not at all" I said

"Sure it doesn't" Madison said taking of her jacket revealing her shirt that didn't even cover half her ****

"Put your jacket on, you're going to distract my team" I said

"I know this turns you on" She said shaking a little

"That is disgusting" I said walking onto the field

"Is that your girlfriend" The new boy asked

"In her dreams, I already have a beautiful girlfriend, but she's working" I said putting on my knee guard

"Then what is she doing here" He asked

"I have no clue" I laughed

"I'm Enrico, team captain" I said holding out my hand

"Nice to meet you, I'm Adam" He said shaking my hand

"Don't worry about being new, I'll teach you everything you need to know"I said

After practice, I sat in my Tesla and watched boxing on the screen. I was then interrupted by someone knocking on the window, when I looked to see who it was. I had a feeling it would be Madison but it was actually Adam.

"What's up man" I asked

"Would you mind dropping me at my place, my car just gave up on me" Adam asked

"Of course, get in" I said

"Thank you so much" Adam said

"No problem, I have to fetch my girl first tho" I said starting the car

"Alright" He said

"I'm actually already late" I said

Once we got to the mall, both Adam and into the mall.

"I want to get that hot girls number" Adam said

"Which one" I asked

"The cutie and Starbucks" He said

When I looked over it was Tanika, obviously sitting with Ben, geez I didn't really like the guy.

"I already have her number" I said

"Please send it to me" Adam said

I didn't reply because I wanted him to see for himself that she was already taken

"You're a bit late" Tanika said

"Sorry, practice ended a little late today" I said

"What's up Enrico" Ben said

"Nothing much and you" I asked

"Same" Ben said

"Who's this" Tanika asked

"The perfect couple"Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu