Basil x Reader ✧ Asleep

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I based this off of Treeone2 's request, but changed the trope slightly. I hope it's still alright. The amazing ARandomPerson77283  helped me out with this a little and has just been so supportive in general, thank you for everything!

The evening rolled around before you had noticed

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The evening rolled around before you had noticed. Since you were still recovering from a cold, exhaustion hit you earlier than usual. As you laid in bed, drifting off to sleep, you were rudely awoken by your phone.


Ugh. Seriously? Whoever was preventing you from sleeping must die.

Basil: hey (y/n)! sorry if you're busy right now! i just was wondering if you wanted to come over and help me water + name my new's okay if you don't want to! if you're not available, i can always just send you some pictures. let me know ()

Your anger immediately subsided after you read through his text. Well, if it's Basil...some exceptions can be made. You smiled a little as you sent him a text back.

(Y/N): Yeah! I'll be on my way. Gimme fifteen.


As you approached Basil's house, how tired you were started sinking in. Part of you really wanted to turn back and go home to the comfort of your bed, but as you saw him happily waiting outside, you knew that wasn't an option. When he noticed you, he smiled and waved a little. "H-Hey (Y/N)! How are you?"

"I'm alright. What about you?"

"I'm doing good! So are these little guys." He led you over to his two new plants, gesturing towards them proudly. He picked one up. "So, this one is a boston fern. Aren't they cute? Some even call them an air purifying superhero. Another cool thing about them is that they both love humidity and can act as a humidifier! Though in case you were planning on getting one too, they're kind of hard to take care of... I've never had trouble with them, but apparently one of the most common reasons they die fast is because people overwater them." He shook his head. "Sorry! I can get really into these things sometimes. I know you didn't want to hear me lecture you on plants."

You were having a hard time keeping your eyes open. Though you adored Basil a great amount and his plant facts were obviously one of the most objectively interesting things to hear about, it just wasn't doing a great job of keeping you awake. You mustered up enough energy to open your eyes a little more and respond. "I love listening to you talk! Seriously, I want to hear more."

He blushed. "No, it's alright! I know it can be a little boring. Let's move on to something more important: the naming. This boston fern... it's a tough one. What do you think?"

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