Sunny x Reader ✦ Comfort

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Just wanted to note before starting that this is all about having bad body image and needing some comfort. If that doesn't necessarily pertain to you or you just aren't in the mood to read something about a more negative topic, please click off. Alright, thanks. 


This week had not been the best, to say the least. You had always struggled with being unhappy with the way you look, but as of recent, those feelings of dissatisfaction were harder to control. At times, it was difficult to look in the mirror or even see other people without feeling immense discomfort. 

It seemed like Sunny had started picking up on your unhappiness as well. Although he wasn't a man of many words, he tried to cheer you up by drawing you cute little sketches, holding you extra close, and playing your favorite songs in the car. But despite his best efforts, you didn't feel much different. It was getting harder to put up an act for him, so you finally confided in him when you were over at his house. 

He listened intently to everything you were saying, nodding when appropriate. When you told him you were done, he held your hand and hugged you. "I'm sorry." 

Half of you expected him to say more, but you let it go and was just glad he was there for you.

The next day wasn't much better. You laid in bed for a few hours, mindlessly scrolling through social media, when all of a sudden you received a text.

Sunny ♡ :

Hey (Y/N).

i just want to apologize for not saying much when we were together yesterday. i have so much that i want to say to you, but in the moment, i just never know how to actually verbalize all the thoughts i'm having. i really hope you didn't take my actions to heart yesterday, but i understand if you did. it's really hard for me to express my emotions sometimes, but i really want to get better at it for you... and also because it's a good life skill to have, haha.

anyway, enough about me, i just really want to try typing out everything i wanted to say. first off, you are very physically attractive to me. obviously. i hope i have made that apparent, but i will say it again. you are the pinnacle of beauty and i will never have eyes for anyone else. despite this, i know what's like to be unhappy with your physical appearance... or just being yourself. it's really difficult to deal with, and just because somebody tells you these things, it won't automatically change anything (though i will keep reminding you as much as i want). though i need to mention that what you look like isn't the only thing that is valuable about you. i know many feel like if they're not conventionally attractive or good looking to one person, then they are not worthy of love. 

i don't want this to come off the wrong way, but it's honestly okay to look ugly or think you look ugly sometimes. being ugly isn't the end of the world and doesn't determine anything about your worth. i personally don't find you ugly at all (as previously stated), it's probably one of the only topics i can talk a lot about, but that's beside the point. there is so much more to you than your physical appearance. for instance, how excited you get when you talk about things that you love. the way you explain your passions is really engaging and i just love hearing you speak. you could literally talk about paint drying and i would genuinely want to hear about it. 

another thing i wanted to mention is how contagious your smile and excitement is. it's been ages since i've felt this happy, and i might go as far as to say this is the happiest i've ever felt. for a while, i used to be extremely self-conscious of how my smile looks, always wanting to hide it from everyone... but it's impossible to hide it from you. every time i see you smile or can even hear your happiness over call, i can't help but feel it too. it makes my heart melt and i want nothing more than for you to be happy, though you obviously don't always have to act happy around me. i really appreciate your honesty when you told me what was going on. i seriously feel really honored that you trust me enough to let me into your life like that. 

the last thing i thought would be notable to mention is how much i admire the way you treat others. i hope this doesn't sound strange, but i look up to you. you always try your best to make sure everybody is included in the conversation (like me, thank you) and how you manage to create such an open and comfortable atmosphere. i feel so at ease when i'm with you, and from what i've heard from others that know you, they feel the same. i'm so glad that i can call you mine. 

i say all of this to remind you that you are more than your appearance. i don't know how effective this in making you feel better, but to be honest, that really isn't my goal at the moment. let me rephrase, i want you to begin feeling well again, but i'm not trying to "fix you". you're not broken and very strong. i've just been wanting to say this to you for what has felt like forever.

it can sometimes seem impossible to not care about how you look, though. it's so easy to begin fixating on one part of yourself for months or even years. trust me, i've been there. but is it really worth your time and energy? i know these thoughts are difficult to control, but maybe working towards a goal like just accepting certain parts of yourself could be effective. you don't have to love yourself all the time, but just learning to be okay with yourself that has helped me a lot (though it unfortunately isn't a cure all).

i wanted to close this off by just saying that i'll always be here for you, no matter what. these feelings will pass and i hope you don't mind these texts instead of me saying out loud. it is a skill that i will be actively working on, but i think it'll just take some time getting used to, since you are my first partner (and hopefully last). 

i love you, (y/n). you mean the world to me, and if you want me to come over, just let me know. i can also call if you just need somebody there. we don't have to do or say anything either. though if you just need some alone time, i understand. thank you for confiding in me, you can always talk to me.

P.S. i drew this it looks kind of funny 

He proceeded to send you a rough sketch of a blue whale with pink blobs next to it. There was an arrow indicting that its name was Humphrey. 

⁺˚*・༓☾ END ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

This is a little on the shorter side and I honestly didn't know how to start this off, but I'm glad I wrote it. I also wanted to mention that there isn't one way to experience these feelings. This was just more personal to me and honestly just what I've been needing to hear. I'm sorry if it didn't completely resonate with you, but I tried to keep things as vague as possible. Hoping everybody is doing alright overall, and sometimes talking to somebody about how you feel or just writing it out to yourself can be therapeutic, but of course everybody is different. Thanks for reading 

Omori OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora