** 💛🤍 Kamila Elsie Lyndsay 💛🤍 **

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He asked you stayed the night?  She said yes, with my mother's approval.  I slept in a room with another female in the group. He asked you done with the assignment?  She said yes, we worked through until late last night, then picked it up early this morning. We all finished around 3 very satisfied with the results. I was going to leave but I was sat down by the Luna and fed. She whispered they even made a huge surprize cake.

He smiled. Her dad asked why wasn't I informed? She sighed and looked at him and said you weren't home when I asked mum. So why hadn't you asked her where I was? He grunted and looked away.

She shook her head and looked at the Alpha and said is that all? He said yes, you may leave. She moved to the door and was stopped.  Her dad said go right home, I'll talk to you later. She turned and frowned.  He sternly said now go!

She looked at him and said fine, father.  He stiffened and she quickly left, blocking him from speaking to her through the pack link.

When she got home, she soon winced herself.  She swept her mother up and carried her to her mother's expensive and more comfortable car and laid her down on the back seat and soon grabbed her bag and her mother's as well as the keys.

She slipped into her mother's mind and put she and her wolf into a deeper, healing sleep then she drove away.


Hours later, she drove up to the Council building.  She quickly got out and seeing a Warrior said I need help please.  Other Warriors asked what's was wrong?  She said I brought my mother who needs a thorough exam and for someone to read and assess her. He asked why?  She said I'll tell you more once someone takes her inside, I'm really worried about her.

Another grabbed the keys then unlocked the door and quickly carried her mother inside alerting others there as he recognized her.  She grabbed their things and said I've witnessed my mother wince like she was in pain. It was always when my father was away on pack business.  I'm not saying he was or is cheating on her as I have no proof.  I asked her what was wrong and she'd never tell me. Two days ago, I asked if I could go to the neighoring pack as our teacher partnered many up to work on joint assignments. She said yes and it led to her agreeing I stay the night there too as dad was coming home and they had issues they needed to talk about.  I came home and found her almost unconscious on the couch. So I brought her here. The pack has visitors and I didn't want to bring her into the pack infirmary.  My father is acting weird, he was very stern with me and he angered me as he sent me home like I had done something wrong in front of the visitors.

He asked why? She said I have no idea.  I explained why I wasn't home as the Alpha said I had disappeared.  I commented to my father after my explanation why he hadn't asked his mate where I was and he looked away like he was guilty. It had me thinking he hadn't talked to his mate at all since he got home. Is that why she was in the shape she was found in? I don't know.

The Warrior said sound fishy to me.  She said she definitely needs an exam and reading for sure. I figured here was better too especially if her wincing was a sign of something being medically wrong with her. He asked like what?  She said I fear to even think about her being sick but it needs looking into ASAP. He said give us a hint?  She said maybe she's becoming sterile, or I hate to say it but cancer.  He growled got you.

He took her inside as she said I never alerted anyone there that I took my mother away before I left.  He said alright a call will be made to the pack office. She said I never read my mother but I did slip into her mind and put she and her wolf into a deeper, healing sleep.  She never felt me carry her away and it worried me.


He took her to the Head Councilman's office as her mother was beng stripped, then gowned and blood and other needed samples quickly taken for immediate testing.

Pure Blood Female Shifter ☆Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum