Cait Sith and Sylph Alliance!

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You had Gotten some Advice from Leafa, Lisbeth, and Silica the two Races in the Game are the Cait Sith and the Sylph who can Help all of you save Asuna, and there was A Meeting going on so you know where to go!

Meanwhile, you had Left, with Libth and Silica, as Leafa was left alone with Yui.

Leafa: Pff, Man this is getting pretty weird, But I know Y/n can beat That Sugou Guy from what I've seen from School

Yui: You don't know anything About daddy Like at All, He wouldn't destroy him, He would Murder him and slaughter him

Leafa: WOAH! Are you some kind of-?

Yui: Some kind of Hyper Technologically Advanced, Fully Autonomous, Sentient AI?

Leafa: No I mean Like A Robot that can Think and Feel and stuff

Yui: Uh...

Leafa... Brain Scan... Done... Not that Bright...

Yui: I sure am Sport!

Leafa: Oh then why didn't you do anything when Asuna got Kidnapped? Couldn't you control The Game or something?

Yui: Look I couldn't have but what I can do is some pretty Horrific things to the Players

Leafa: Oh You have A Terrible Poker face

Yui: At least I have A Face.

Leafa: What do you mean By- MMMPPPPH!? MMMMMMPH!

Yui had deleted Leafa's Face and she began to writhe on the ground with A I have No Mouth but I Must scream expression on her Body Yui Just stares at her while smiling, Until she gave Her, her face back.

Yui: You Good?

Leafa: YES! Yes! Whew...

Y/n: You Guys Okay?

Leafa: EEP! I-I mean Yes!

Yui: Yes Daddy!

Y/n: Alright Lisbeth told me that there's A Meeting going on between the Two Races of ALFhiem Online, so we Better get there and Quickly!

Leafa: Right

You then all Began to run through the Land until you all got to The Meeting Place, and it was about to be Attacked by Sugou's Salamanders!

Y/n: Hey! Wheres is your Boss?

Just then A Huge Fairy appeared, and Cracked his Knuckles!

Eugene: Hey, You that Y/n Girl?

Eugene (The head of the Red Salamanders/ Is A Evil Bastard)

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Eugene (The head of the Red Salamanders/ Is A Evil Bastard)

Y/n: I'm A Dude, Using A Girls Avatar

Eugene: Oh Of course you Crazy Bitch. Time to Battle.

Y/n: Heh, Fine. Requip: Kryptonian Armor!! And Excalibur!!

You then changed A Suit of Red and Blue Armor with A S In the middle that resembles Superman, and A Helmet with A T-Shaped Viser, and Excalibur appeared as well!

Excalibur: Hello Everyone! Now Look here Salamander, You know what this Hat represents?

Eugene: What?

Excalibur: The Bigger The Hat the Bigger the Chef!

Eugene: But what does Being A Chef has to do with-?

Excalibur: FOOL! I never said, Chef! A Chef would never carry the hayseed that Plants Greatness!


Y/n: Enguard!

You then Began dueling with Eugene until you Fired Laser beams out of your eyes And you Shot his sword out of his Hand!

Eugene: W-What!?

Y/n: I got my Kryptonian armor with some Help from Supes, Gives me all of the powers of A Kryptonian under A Yellow Sun thanks to the Power of the Eradicator!

The Eradicator then Began to give you the Powers again, as you began to fire more Laser beams out of your eyes!

Eugene: That Does it!!

He was ready to Punch you when Suddenly his Arm Rotted away!

Eugene: W-What?

just then The Ground Began to Turn into A Black Ink like substance, and soon He began sinking into the Ink Most of the Ink soon turned into A Massive Human-Like Figure with Giant red eyes, and Razor sharp black Teeth as it smiled!

???: Welcome to Your Nightmare, Eugene.

Eugene began crying as he was sinking into the Ink even more, but in reality, he was on the ground crying and whimpering, as you turned off your Sharingan.



After Saving The People Inside of the Meeting, you have met with the two Leaders to Explain your Plan to them!

Alicia: Thank you so much for saving us hero, We are eternally Grateful

Alicia: Thank you so much for saving us hero, We are eternally Grateful

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Alicia Rue (The Leader of the Cait Sith)

Sakuya: If there's anything you need, then We shall do so

Sakuya: If there's anything you need, then We shall do so

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Sakuya  (The Leader of the Sylph)

Y/n: Look Guys I hate to be A Burden but I need to Invade the World Tree to save Asuna and Kill Fairy King Oberon!

Alicia/Sakuya: Will do!

Y/n: Great! Watch out Oberon because We're coming!

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