Concert Passes?!/Hell yes!!

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Well It was A Huge event in New Tokyo as At the Local stadium there is going to be A Huge concert Which would be Hosted by Vocaloid, and their Main Attraction Hatsune Miku who is so Popular she literally had Cars, Trains, and Planes with her face on it, and even A Space Rocket named After her!

And You got Three Tickets!! HELL YES!

You, Medaka, and Erza were now at A Concert that was dimmed down to complete blackness and it was lit up by the stage and tons of Glow sticks people were Holding!

Erza: So how Popular are they exactly?

Y/n: You don't know!? They like Mega Famous! Not Superhero Famous but still incredibly famous!

Medaka: I'm really excited! I Heard they're really good!

Y/n: Oh Yeah they really are! Just you wait!

just then the Room Began to darken, and soon the Songs are being Dispensed from the Vocaloid Stars!

And A Lot more!

And Soon you all got to go Backstage since you know all of the Singers from saving them before, and Soon you were Hugged around The Waist!

???: Y/n-Sama! You're Here!

Y/n: Hey Miku! I said I would come back Now, didn't I?

Miku: Yep!

Hatsune Miku (Her Name means sound from the Future/ She is The Main Idol for the Crypton Corporation/ She is Very Famous and Sings for People all across the world with Her face Plastered all sorts of things across Japan even A Rocket/ She is Super...

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Hatsune Miku (Her Name means sound from the Future/ She is The Main Idol for the Crypton Corporation/ She is Very Famous and Sings for People all across the world with Her face Plastered all sorts of things across Japan even A Rocket/ She is Super Cute but can also be A Serious Diva when she wants to be)

Y/n: Guys this is Hatsune Miku, Miku My Wives... So Far

Miku then Hugged both of them Excitingly!

Miku: Hello!

Erza: Uh, Hello

Medaka: It's really nice to meet you!

Miku: Oh Let me take you to everyone else! Follow me!

Miku then Grabbed your hand and Dragged you off as Medaka and Erza thought the same thing!

Erza/Medaka: (Thoughts) She's In love with him

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