The Fastest Men Alive... And A Gorilla!

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While this whole Mess was going down, Meanwhile in Star City Two Speeding Blurs were clashing against each other in the entire city, one was red while the other one was Yellow, and they were both Equally as Fast!

???: Give it Up! You're not going to win this!

???2: Why don't you give up Barry? I'm Much Faster than you

Flash: Give up? I'm The Fastest Man Alive!

The Flash (Real Name: Barry Allen/ He is the Second Generation of Flash and Is Possibly the Fastest Flash/ He was A Forensic Scientist who was working with chemicals when Lighting struck him and mixed with the chemicals to make him superfast Just ...

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The Flash (Real Name: Barry Allen/ He is the Second Generation of Flash and Is Possibly the Fastest Flash/ He was A Forensic Scientist who was working with chemicals when Lighting struck him and mixed with the chemicals to make him superfast Just like the first Flash/ He is sorta A Showoff but he deeply cares about the people around him even willing to sacrifice himself to make sure everyone is safe)

Reverse Flash: Please Flash, I can outrun you at any time, place, and weather,  not to mention Time itself!

Reverse Flash (Real name: Hunter Zolomon AKA Zoom/ He was A Flash superfan who worked as A Janitor for the flash Museum and he suffered through the same accident that gave the Flash family their powers/ He soon became A Villian and did Horrible th...

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Reverse Flash (Real name: Hunter Zolomon AKA Zoom/ He was A Flash superfan who worked as A Janitor for the flash Museum and he suffered through the same accident that gave the Flash family their powers/ He soon became A Villian and did Horrible things like Mess up time, Lobotozime his Crush, and even Constantly try and kill the flash Family)

Flash: I doubt that!

The Flash kept on running until reverse Flash Punched him in the face and he sent him flying into A Shop, and Reverse-Flash ran over and began Monologing.

Flash: Well, Well, Well, Flash, You know who did that? It was Me barry. I was the one who Bitch slapped you into that Building. It was Me.

Flash: Stop, That's not even funny anymore

Reverse Flash: How Pathetic Flash, It's quite funny. It's called A Meme Flash

Flash: It Really isn't..

Reverse Flash: Okay, Now I'm going to turn your brains into A Slushy

Just then A Person slammed into Reverse Flash sending him flying, and he was sent flying!

It was Lida!

Lida: let him go!

Flash: Hey another speedster, with Pipes in his Legs? Are you A Cyborg?

Reverse Flash: Oh Impressive but I got some Help

Just then A Giant Primate Nearly crushes Lida but he dodges Just in the nick of time!

Lida: What? A Monkey?

Grodd: Monkey!? I am Gorilla Grodd! The Smartest Ape on the Planet!

Gorilla Grodd (a Super Intelligent Gorilla from the Gorilla city hidden deep within Africa/ He is A Mad Scientist with Telepathic Powers who was Banished from the city/ His Main goal is to rule the world and turn every single person into An Ape/ H...

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Gorilla Grodd (a Super Intelligent Gorilla from the Gorilla city hidden deep within Africa/ He is A Mad Scientist with Telepathic Powers who was Banished from the city/ His Main goal is to rule the world and turn every single person into An Ape/ He is A Main enemy of the flash)

Lida: Okay this is getting weird

Grodd: I Guess I shall do it the Old Fashioned Way

Lida: And what is the old-fashioned way?

Grodd: I'm going to rip your arms off, and beat you to death with it

Lida: Not Good

Grodd began to try and smash Lida, but suddenly the flash got up and Began to wrap Some Crane Cables around Grodd and Reverse-Flash, to trap them within it!

Flash: Ha! Try and get out of that!

Grodd: Get me out of here, You Lower-Ranked Simian!

Reverse Flash: I will get out this Flash, You know I will!

Flash: Well I'd like to see you try! You did A Good Job Kid

Lida: Thanks Mr. Flash, I'm Just A Student Hero

Flash: Woah you have to go to school to be A Hero? Man things are more complicated where you come from! Look I can see great potential in you to be A Speedster with those Pipe looking things in your Calves!

Lida: Thank you so Much

Flash: Good Now I'm gonna take these guys to Jail, Try and Keep up!

The Flash then grabbed both Villians, and moved at post-light speeds!

Lida: Wow, He's so Fast

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