"You have so many." I commented, glancing at the ones he hadn't talked about yet.

"I want to get more." He nodded his head before he continued.

This is all he needed. A distraction.

"These little numerals, by the lightning, under my collarbone," he pulled my finger back up his chest, "that's your birthday." He whispered. "I think you know which tattoo is the most obvious one of all." He said, bringing his eyes up to look into mine as I sat so close to him. I didn't realize that I was only a few inches away. "You watched me get it." He shrugged, twisting his arm and looking at his dark mark. "I wanted a Slytherin one, but I figured that was sufficient enough. So I just got my quidditch jersey number up here." He pointed to the underside of his bicep where I saw the small number.

"I liked that when I was having an identity crisis and didn't even know who the old me was, at least he could still be a part of me." He explained. "This ones for you, too." He rolled over a little and lifted his arm so I could see the side of his ribs. A king's crown sat on his skin, hovering over a cursive E. "My Prince Charming." He snickered, watching my face shift into a look of amazement. "Emelia Jane Prince."

I let out a shaky breath and my fingers traced over his chest. "It's taking everything in me not to kiss you right now." I breathed out, glancing at his eyes and looking back at his chest quickly. He caressed my chin in his palm and made me look at him again, his eyes looking at my lips for a brief moment before they looked into mine again. So empty.

"I don't know what love is anymore. But I know that I really loved you at one point. I wish I could still give you the world like I promised. But I think I owe it to you to still be loyal towards you for the rest of my life because of everything you're still willing do for me. There can never be anyone else, because they won't get me the way you do." He mumbled, scooting a little closer so our bodies touched. "I don't have any feelings for you, yet I'm so possessed by your presence and want you all to myself, if that makes sense." He sighed. I nodded along, trying to follow his words.

"Maybe one day you'll feel differently. All I can do is wait and stick by your side." I smiled at him, making him let out a throaty groan as his eyes stayed on my lips.

"You really are a nightmare, Emelia." He mumbled. I slowly moved closer to him, and he didn't stop me as he tilted my chin and connected my lips to his. So soft and so gentle.

If sparks and fireworks and butterflies and electricity and all those stupid cheesy things that people use to describe their moments of love are truly real— then this is that.

He stopped himself and pulled away, taking in a deep breath. "I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry." He whispered, scooting away from me and putting more distance between us. "I'm going to take a shower and go for a run." He sighed, flipping his comforter off of his body and getting up from his bed. "You can stay in here if you want. Or go back to your bed. It doesn't matter." He mumbled, his back still turned towards me as he walked away.

"It's only 5 in the morning. You need to sleep." I called after him. He glanced back at me and grabbed the door in his hand, preparing himself to shut it.

"Sleeping is the last thing I want to do because I know what horrible things I'm going to see after what I just did."

I sat on the grass in the garden and looked out over the small pond that Narcissa had installed after Lucius had passed. I tucked my arms around my knees and rested my chin on top of them, holding my book open with my thumb so I wouldn't lose my place.

"What are you reading, trouble?" A voice asked behind me, making me look towards Draco who wore a sweatsuit and sat down next to me, just a few feet away.

Entrapment | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now