Easy does it?

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Behind Japan's prolonged period of peace, lies the intelligence organization "DA", which employs young orphaned girls known as "Lycoris" to covertly eliminate criminals and terrorists. This group of school girl is given an authorization to eliminate anything that threatened the life of the citizen of Japan.

(Y/n POV)
Mika Sensei and I are on top of the building, providing overwatch for Lycoris agent "Alpha" team on the field. Right now we were waiting for Chisato to show up so she can help us with the arms dealer but it seems like she was late

Commander Kusunoki :"Mika, is Chisato not on the scene yet?" Asked Commander Kusunoki on com

Mika Sensei:"She should be arriving soon, but it doesn't look good for Lycoris. Well, should we fire?" Asked Mika Sensei to Commander Kusunoki.

Commander Kusunoki:"No, we want the dealer alive, let's wait for Chisato" finished Commander Kusunoki

Me:"those Lycoris girl are gonna get killed if we don't do something Sensei"

Mika Sensei:" Patience boy, don't do anything stupid. The order are to stand down, Kusunoki want them alive"

Me:" But the hostage..." My attention then switch to the one of Lycoris girl who is suddenly wielded a PKM. Mika Sensei and I are shock to see the the girl gunning down all the kidnappers.

Me:" what was that?" I asked myself, confused about the incident.

Mika Sensei:"hmm, there is nothing we can do now Boy, pack all of your equipment." Sensei ordered me.

Me:" Hai, Sensei." I'm quickly pack my Mk 14 MOD 0 EBR then put it on the brief case. While I was doing my thing, Sensei then call Chisato that it's over so he ordered Chisato to Meet Mizuki-san ASAP.

Me:"well, that's something." I commented about recent incident.

Mika Sensei:"Ikuzo Y/n" Sensei ordered me and I follow him back to the cafe.

(Takina POV)

I was meeting with Kusunoki shirei about the last mission, right now I was told to meet her on her room

Me: "Reassignment?" I asked about the paper she gave me

Kusunoki shirei:"Disobeying order and botching with the operation comes with heavy price."she said with her stoic face

Kusunoki shirei:" The commander on site also reported that you took unauthorized action as well."

Kusunoki shirei: there's a Lycoris at your New post, one girl and one boy. The Girl is little Sassy but talented and the boy is a good one. I'm sure you can learn something from them." Finished Kusunoki shirei.

I bow my head to her and go to pack my thing, and then straight ahead go to Tokyo.

(Few hours later)

I arrive at the front of supposedly my "new post" which is a cafe Called "Lyco Reco Sweet Cafe." I then enter the cafe to meet a woman inside.

Woman:" yet again the obstacle of marriage stands in the way of my motherly talent!!!" Said the woman while complaining.

Woman:"yeah I'm dissatisfied!!!!, Why don't you donate a good man  my way right now!!!"

???:"Nothing but envy from the have nots.

Woman: "what was that!!!"

I then interrupt the woman so I can talk to her

Me:"excuse me." The woman is surprised to see me for a while and then she asked me

Woman:"who are you?"

Me:"I've been reassigned here from Today, Takina Inoue reporting." I introduced myself to her

Man:"so you're here Takina" the man say who is I assumed the manager of this cafe.

Woman:"Ah, the Lycoris who got dismissed from DA!"

Me:"I haven't been dismissed!!" I say correct her.

Me:"I was ordered to learn from you Chisato-san. I didn't intend to be reassigned, but it's an honor to be able to learn from Tokyo's top Lycoris, I'll better myself on site here with hopes of being reinstated at HQ." I explained to her all of my situation

Man:"That thing isn't Chisato." State the Man

Woman:"  I'm a person you know." Protest the woman.

I then slowly look at the Man in front of me.

Woman:" that geezer ain't her either!!"

Mika-san:" I'm Mika, the manager around here." He said, introducing himself.

Mika-san:" this is Mizuki, former DA, intelligence."

Me:"Former?" I asked her

Mizuki-san:" I got fed up with it, that sick organization that takes in orphans and hire assassin's like you Lycoris, that is."

Me:"I was told that there's also a Boy Lycoris in here, but I don't see him anywhere. Where is he?." I asked them

Mika-san:"oh you mean Y/n? He's doing some errands but he should be coming soon."

(Y/n POV)

I already finished my errands that Sensei told me to do and on my way back to the cafe.


Mika Sensei:" ah y/n perfect timing, come here." Mika Sensei told me

Mika Sensei:"Y/n, you remember about Lycoris I mentioned?"

Me:" Hai Sensei, you said that she will come today, is she is the girl?"

Mika Sensei:" correct boy, Takina this is Y/n L/n, Y/n this is Takina."

A/n: here you go the first chapter of Lyco Reco (male reader). Hope you like it 🙂

Lyco Reco (Male Division Agent reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now