Stars (Kagami x Reader)

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Walking down the street with your close friend, Kagami Taiga, you couldn't help but, look up at the peaceful night sky. You sighed, only being able to see only the brightest, while others were faint and dull.

Your friend looked at you, wondering why you were sighing so unamused and sadly. He nudged your elbow, looking down at you.

"Yes..?" You asked, showing him he was able to grab your attention away from the above. He shot a questioning look. "Oh, that," you paused. "I've always been wanting to see the stars."

He cocked a brow, "You do everyday. The Sun." he answered bluntly, scratching the back of his neck. You chuckled, smacking his arm, irritated.

"Thanks for ruining my moment, aho." you rolled your eyes. "You're a jerk. What I meant was these ones." you pointed, pointing out the bright ones.

"You see them now, don't you?" He stared, yet again, another blunt answer. Kagami earned another smack, this time to his head. You pouted.

"You see the dull stars? I want to see them as the brightest. Maybe somewhere along the country side or something. The city is too bright for them." after you explained, he made an 'o' shape with his mouth.

He nodded and tapped your shoulder, "Then, I p-promise to let you see them." you smiled for his generosity, but how?

|| Seirin - After Practice ||

You waited for Kagami, the past few days, he's been walking you home. Every time was late at night, and you would always look up at the stars. That's when Kagami really want to do something

He grabbed ahold of your hand, squeezing it. "T-Taiga?" You looked down at your hands, intertwined. You blushed, feeling the heat radiating from your cheeks to the tip of your ears.

"I promise, (First Name). You will see the stars."

A few days passed, it became spring break. You sat in your living room, making sure you finished all your homework so you didn't have to finish it on the last day. Like other times, you would procrastinate.

After checking, you did finish all your work (for once). Then you heard a series of knocks from you door, you got up and went to see whoever it was.

At your door, was Kagami.

"Taiga? What are you doing here? Aren't you going to America for the break?" You inquired, why was he here?

You let him in, allowing him to place down his stuff to talk and answer.

"I want you to come with me." you froze all your actions. Did he just say--- "I want you to come with me to America." your cheeks became flushed, no one had ever offer you to go anywhere out of Japan.

"S-so, you want me to come with you...?" You asked, making sure for a confirmation. He nodded, determined and sure that he wanted you to come.

"THANK YOU~!" You practically threw yourself onto Kagami, his cheeks flashed a sudden red as he gingerly placed his hands on your waist for support. You brought your legs up and started squealing against him. How excited were you? Very.

|| America ||

As you and Kagami exited the airport, the two of you waited for his friend, Alexandra Garcia, or you could say, Alex.

Kagami held your hand and waited with you.

"Taiga, why did you want me to come with you?" You asked, blushing. You looked down at your hands, wondering why all of a sudden Kagami wanted to hold your hand.

His cheeks flared red, he turned to you and shook his head. "I just wanted you to come." He lied, but you knew. Or at least you thought you knew that he liked you, right?

Then a car pulled up at the curb, the window rolled down revealing Alex.

|| Alex's Apartment ||

You, Kagami and Alex sat at a table, discussing so far the plans for spring break.

"Ah, I forgot to fully introduce myself," Alex smiled, putting her glass of water down.

"I'm Alexandra Garcia, I was Taiga's teacher." she sat a seat closer to you as you smiled, not knowing what was coming. "I'm (Last Name) (First Name), Alex-san, Kagami's---"


"--E-eh.. Classmate." you nervously laughed at her comment. "Say..." Alex leaned in closer, "You're cute, y'know?" She leaned in closer to your face. Since your chair was against the wall, she practically trapped you against the wall. "U-uh, A-Alex-san.. What are you---"

You were stopped by Kagami picking you up out of your seat. Alex fell face flat onto the chair you were sitting in. As she sat back up, she pouted at Kagami.

"Don't just go around kissing my friends, Alex!" She rose his voice, holding you close without a hint of realization. "You're so mean, Taiga~" she slouched and planted her face into the table. Your cheeks burned furiously, "T-Taiga...C-can you put me down...?"

At Kagami's realization, he dropped you onto the floor. In your fall, it injured your bottom. "Ow ow, Taiga.. That hurt!" You whined, rubbing your poor injured butt. Kagami hesitantly picked you up off the ground, apologizing at the same time.

Kagami checked the clock on the wall, it was around seven o'clock. Kagami tugged at your sleeve, motioning towards the door. "We should get going, (First Name)." You hissed at him for dropping you once more.

"U-uh, p-please."

You sighed and accepted.

"We'll be back, Alex. Just about a few hours." he claimed. "Where are you going, Taiga?" She asked, tilting her head a bit. Kagami's cheeks flushed red as he tilted his head towards you then back. Alex perked as she grinned and winked at him while you stared dumbfounded.

A half hour later, you and Kagami arrived at a park that had an open field. Kagami and you exited the cab as it took off.

Forgetting to mention that he blindfolded you the whole way so you couldn't see.

Kagami once again grabbed your hand and walked to the open field. "Where are you bringing me, Taiga?" He didn't answer, but you could tell he was guiding you somewhere.

After a few more steps, Kagami released your hand without saying a word. "T-Taiga?" You reached your hands everywhere, without his guidance, you felt alone.

Until you felt his hand again. He slowly guided you onto a mat, making you lay down. "I'm serious, Taiga, where are we?" You asked sternly, growing impatient. "I guess there's no point in hiding it. Is there." you felt Kagami remove the blindfold around your eyes.

Everything was a blur at first, then your vision cleared. Your eyes widened in amazement. Speechless at the sight. Kagami smiled genuinely at your reaction, "Like what you see?"

You nodded as tears started to blur your vision. "Thank you, Taiga!" You threw yourself onto him, giving him a tight squeeze. "You told me you'd like to see the stars. As bright and sparkly, they are right here."

You nodded and rested your head on his shoulder, "Thank you... I-I'm just speechless... and..." you shook your head and inhaled his scent deeply.

"(First Name), there's something I need to tell you."

"Yes, Taiga?"

"You will never know just how beautiful you are to me."

"T-Taiga... You're so... corny." you laughed at his attempt to impress you or even flatter you. "Urusai! You know what I mean." you waved your hand, giggling.

"Hey, Taiga?"


"Lord, you placed the stars in the sky. Yet you call me beautiful."

"You're corny too."

"I try~"



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