Unforgettable... (Takao x Reader)

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Takao sat there, staring at your lifeless body. He leaned closer, resting his arms and chin on the edge of your hospital bed. "Say, (First Name)-chan.." he breathed. "...when will you wake up?" He had then, wiped his tears that streamed down his face. Just by watching you, he was in pain.

What had happened was definitely:

Unforgettable Pain...

Unforgettable Sorrow...

Unforgettable Suffering...

|| A Few Months Later ||

Takao was sitting in his room, in silence. Blinds down, only a few streaks of sunlight through the blinds. Chin resting on the back of his hand, staring blankly at his homework.

Instead of getting his homework done, he doodled. He drew hearts around his lover's name, remembering her.

He wrote messages and lines that he wanted to say to you, before.. it happened:

"Takao Kazunari x (Last Name) (First Name)"

"T.K. + (Initials)"

"Kazunari ❤️ (First Name)"

"You are my sunshine, you are my moonlight, and you are my stars. You are my everything."

"If I were to ever forget you. Everything, if I had forgotten everything.. I swear, I will not hesitate to fall back in love with you."

"If you had forgotten me, (First Name)-chan, I will wait an eternity for you."

"(First Name)-chan, fun fact: You are the reason for my smile, the reason for my happiness."

"You make my heart race without doing a thing."

"I wish...I could hold you and never let go.."

Tears streamed down Takao's cheeks as he tried to finish his sentence. Tears hitting the paper beneath him. He wiped the tears, but only more kept falling. "... If only you were here right now, (First Name)-chan..."

Takao placed his pencil down, wiping the last of his tears and sniffling. He sat back in his chair, staring at the picture that was framed, sitting on his desk.

It was a picture of you on his back; smiling brightly like no tomorrow, making a peace sign to the camera while Takao was trying to hold you up, also with a smile on his face. At that moment he remembered, he was wondering, if you were more childish and happier than him.

That day was your first date, it was nothing special, taking walks around the area. Sure it was nothing, but to Takao (and you), it was something worth remembering, for a millennium.

He turned to his bed, a orange cat was in slumber. Twisting and turning in the spot, mewing.

|| Flashback ||

"Mou! Where is he?" A boy with jet black hair heard a little girl's voice from over the fence. He stacked boxes and chairs on top of each other, just to look over the fence to see what's going on.

When he looked over, he saw a girl with, (Hair Length)-(Hair Colour) hair and beautiful (Eye Colour) eyes.

By analyzing the situation, you were looking for something, or someone.

His curious steel-orbs flickered when he heard a "Meow~" from behind him. Feeling something tugging on his pants, he looked down at his feet, seeing a orange-cat purring and nuzzling against him.

Kuroko no Basuke (Various x Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن