Sneaky Sneaky☕️.

Start from the beginning

You wish you gay, lol😁. Just stay away from Aiden 👌.

I didn't even reply to the message, this person has no life.

Don't ignore me😒 I'm bored man😓 .

I didn't reply to the message.

I'm just gonna post it so I can read funny comments, you supposed to reply back 😣.

I didn't reply. I was now tryna figure out who this l person is. The only L's I had in my head were Lauryn, Leah, Larissa.

I just dashed my phone on my bed, can't believe I'm actually wasting my time on this sad child.

I picked up Aj and peaked in his nappy and I saw poo so I changed him. Then I fed him.

I picked up my phone again.

You have been invited to "exposing these neeks" 🚩.

I clicked on the link and there it was, the video of me getting fucked up. It's not that deep, rah.

"Siannnnn!" I shouted.

She came in the room like a minute later poking her head through the door.


"Look" I said passing her the phone. Then I started to cry. She watched the video with a hardened face, her eyebrows were furrowed to the max.

"Who's this cxcaine.l person messaging you" she muttered. Her screw got deep and she walked out the room putting me phone down. I dried my eyes and started to burp my child.

I already knew the boys & my dad were gonna get involved.

1 week later...

The video has now turned into some big thing & anyone that see's me start acting sympathetic but deep down I knew they were pissed. My dad was hella pissed when he saw the video. I just carried on with life & I deleted my snapchat until further notice.

I had booked a photo shoot for me, Aiden & the babies but I didn't tell nobody. I didn't really speak to anyone since the video, I don't think I'm safe alone cause I can't always rely on my people.

I was dressed in a burgundy vest top, white jeans & timberlands. I put on my leather jacket and I was done. My Louis Vuitton duffel bag was packed with all my outfits, the diaper bags were packed and the kids were dressed, everything was ready.

The doorbell sounded and I quickly went to open the door and there stood Aiden looking nice up. He had his duffel bag in his had too.

"That man by the range said I should get you cause he's ready " Aiden informed.

"Cool. Get the bags. I'll get the kids" I said.

5 hours later 🕓.

"Five fucking hours just to take a few pictures" Aiden complained.

It took us an hour to get to the studio, I had a professional photographer to take our photos. Aiden didn't like all the touching and constantly complained about me changing make up ..etc. I think it was good. We took some pictures all together, me and Aiden, just the twins.. All sorts. We were now on our way to my house.

The car got silent for a second ad I could feel Aiden staring into the side of my face.

"Tahera, do you have any idea who this person could be?" He asked.

"Hm?" I asked in confusion.

"Who's been threatening you.."

"Aiden not now." I sighed.

"Aight cool." He ended going onto his phone.

"Nanna Lei.. It's almost been a year since she's passed" I mentioned.

"It'd be a year in two days & I want you to come to her memorial" he told me.

"Yeah I was gonna say that. I'll come obviously" I said. It would be a chance for his family to meet the babies.

"Nice one" he smirked. I watched him go back on his phone, bare grinning at his texts. Kmt.


That video of Tahera getting fucked up is sooo fucking funny, she was like one of them animals. Armadillos? 😂😂😅. But I understand she was tryna protect her baby.

Things were fine without Tahera though, she deserved to get fucked up. Fucking tek weh man. Everyone's been catting for Aiden and Adrian. Adrian is lowkey and burns all the girls bridges, he rarely does hoes, I tried to get with him once. Aiden will go after anything with a vagina but I know he actually LOVES his baby mum but she took him away from me so I'm taking him back. I meant what I said when I own 😋.

I knew Aiden couldn't get enough of me. He was out wid the yat but texting my phone.

Thing #4 : Hope you ain't told nobody I got kids 😐

Why would I do that, that's your business x.

Thing #4 : Mek sure yukna

Yes baby .. When you coming?x

Thing #4 : You missin dis D yeah😈

Yeah 😥 I'm so horny, I shaved today 🙈💦💦x.

Thing #4 : half an hour yeah 😉

okay sexy 👅x

Yep. Nicely done.

He's not the best beat in my contacts but he was one of the biggest 😲. He had some sick tricks as well.

I had to get ready within half half an hour.

I haven't bathed from I wake up and it's evening time. I went to have my shower long shower wetting my hair in the process making it nice and curly. The way I was feeling refreshed.

I come out the shower and changed Aiden's contact name to 😍🍆💦❤️🔐 cause I know he'll bitch when he finds out he's a thing.

I had a half an hour shower and this boy hasn't shown up yet? 😐 kmt. I decided to go have another half an hour shower but 20 minutes later the doorbell sounded. I turned off the water and went downstairs..

Aiden stood there leaning on the wall on his phone looking sexier than ever. 🙈🙉🙊

"Let's get down to business"

- 1464 words, short🌹.

He LOVES Tahera yeah? Aight sn ☕️

I have a plan 🎉 You might love me, you might hate me 😈

This plan is so flockin hmmm😖🍷

Lemme not tark to much😶

But yah, hope this chapter sweet you for the time being .

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