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Despite my shame that after my nineteenth birthday I got arrested, Casen never missed a chance to remind me of it.

I would walk around the house – cook or bake something or just watch a movie – and Casen's head would pop out of nowhere and say something insulting but also funny.

And since it was Casen we were talking about, I would never hold his sarcasm against him.

Sometimes even Leigh would joke about it and after a few days, I could only laugh about it.

Emilia had told me that they told ran to Seeley who was the only person home since Casen and Austin went out for a football match with the locals, and he was both shocked and worried about me.

I knew I shouldn't have felt this way but after hearing that my breath had gotten taken away.

Maybe the lines started to fade a little in our game.

Or maybe they were never even there to begin with.

On Friday, despite having a gut-wrenching feeling about the BBQ party where Perkyn had invited me, Leigh decided to help me and kept me company while shopping.

We ate hot dogs and kept looking at every store we could. While we were drinking a shake to fight the heat of the summer, we were walking on the busy streets, surrounded by strangers.

I still haven't found the best dress I could imagine for both introduction and a BBQ party, only had plans B and C if we couldn't find anything.

I had a few dresses in my suitcase but I didn't want to be too informal. After all, I would be introduced to Perkyn's family and I didn't want to give the wrong impressions that I hadn't cared at all.

"Are you nervous? About tonight?" She asked while walking.

I took a sip from my vanilla shake and tapped my fingers against my thigh.

"No, I'm not." I lied. "Do I look like who is nervous?"

Leigh narrowed her eyes while eyeing me from the top of my head to my toes.


"I was joking." I cut her off. "I'm not nervous. I'm terrified."

Leigh laughed and crossed her arm with mine.

"I understand that." She answered. "It's almost the same when your boyfriend introduces you to his parents. You're going to be an emotional trainwreck, I can already tell."

I glared at her and pulled her arm and she yelped.

"You're not helping," I said. "If you're trying to make me feel better, you are fired from your position."

Leigh shrugged while leaning her head on my shoulder.

"That's my job, Heddy."

I gave her a side glance.

"To make me feel miserable about myself?"

"To be honest with you." She grinned.

Ouch. To be honest with me... Her words cut through my heart at least ten times before I decided to breathe out.

Only if I dared to be that honest with her. I owned her that much. But whenever I started to speak, Seeley's words started to echo in my head.

And they refused to leave until they convinced me not to say anything. I had to remember that it was Seeley's decision, not mine. It was up to him how he felt and didn't feel.

Whatever Seeley would say to Leigh once they sat down to talk, it had nothing to do with me.

"Leigh?" I asked softly, feeling guilty.

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