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Perkyn has been waiting for me at the entrance as he promised me with a brown bag in his hands.

"Good morning," he smiled as I walked up the stairs.

"Hey," I mirrored his smile.

He lifted his hand and shook the bag in front of me.

"I bought bagels."

I looked at him with an innocent look and nodded.

"Bon appetit, then," I said and he scoffed.

"I bought one for you."

"Really?" I asked, acting surprised. He rolled his eyes at me and gave the bag to me.

"I hope you didn't get in trouble," he gave me an empathic look as I opened the bag and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "I meant with that Seeley guy."

"Oh, he..." I cut myself off before I would say something too private about him, after all, I've only known Perkyn for a few days. "He isn't usually like this."

Perkyn gave me a suspicious and smug smile.

"I didn't want to look like the bad guy to your boyfriend or brother or roommate or whatever he is."

"We used to be classmates," I corrected him and started eating my breakfast. I didn't know why but the fact that he was the one to buy it for me made it more delicious than it already was.

"Oh, so every one of the gang is here?" he asked.

"Yes, the three of us, Seeley, and two of his close friends," I explained. "We kind of always got into troubles together which made us connect fast."

"The six troublemakers or should I say the teachers' worst nightmares?" he asked with a careful smile.

I laughed and wiped my mouth when I felt the bagel crumble all over me.

"The teachers never really liked us for some reason," I bit into my lower lip. "Maybe it was because Seeley once accidentally set the curtain on fire and other things like that."

Perkyn's eyes widened as his bow-shaped lips turned into a surprised and also amused grin.

"What?" he asked. "You're joking."

"I wish I was," I shook my head while laughing.

Perkyn laughed and shrugged.

"Well, he is a boy, what did you expect?" he asked. "Getting into trouble and burning things down is coded inside of us."

"The thing is that I never expect anything because of that and the boys keep surprising me."

Perkyn slowly tilted his head to us.

"Like last night?"

I chewed on the next bite of the bagel as I felt Perkyn's eyes roaming over my face.

"He just had a bad day and we were loud anyway, so we kind of had it coming," I tried to explain it.

How do you explain that ever since has entered a toxic relationship with his girlfriend, he kind of has become sensitive to everyone and everything? He lost his patience and coolness in less than fifteen seconds and he has been gaslighted doing certain things that he didn't want to.

Seeley Drewitt was like the rough sea. In one second it was all sunshine and beautiful but in the next second, you were on the edge of drowning while the sight has turned into something terrifying and haunting.

"You're right, we didn't pay attention to our surroundings."

After I finished my bagel and gave the bag back to him, he took a big bite from his as I rubbed my hands together.

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