About This Story

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Welcome to Into the Void.

This book was the result of my first real attempt at writing. Through college I had made a few stumbling, bumbling passes at some of the most terrible short stories ever written. They were so bad that they decided to erase themselves in the Great Hard drive Failure of 2013. They took 2 years of community college projects with them. Thankfully, that computer graciously waited until after graduation to implode.

It would be years before I took another crack at this whole creative writing thing.

Fast forward to 2016 and I had managed to find myself in the middle of National Novel Writing Month. I had written 2 half assed short stories 3 years prior, so I was totally prepared to try 50,000 words in 30 days? Should be easy right? Not so surprisingly I didn't quite make it. At the end of the month I was only 22,000 words short. Once again I put writing aside.

Only this time I couldn't stay away. I had been bitten by the writing bug and started planning my next big novel (this one). 2017 was an upheaval for me. I was fired in October, and found myself stuck at home, feeling totally lost, just in time for NaNo. Writing this story gave me a lot of structure and stability in those days. It kept me sane. It kept me from feeling totally useless, and it unlocked a deep love for writing from somewhere inside me. I've been writing nearly every day, ever since then.

As far as first projects go, this one has all of the hiccups and pot holes you'd expect, but I love it so much because it represents my first steps down the writer's road. I hope it can bring just a little bit of the joy that I had writing it to anyone who reads it.

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