
" GUYSSS!!! GUYS GUYS GUYS!!" Bree shouted, running up to Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo. " Do you know where Addison is? She texted me for Help, but she's not home and she's not Answering her phone, and I'm getting really worried!" Zeds eye widened. " What?! No, I was just about to go see her." " " Yeah, He was a total jerk to her today. I saw it in the halls." Bree made a noise. " Well I don't know where she is, her Mom and Dad don't know where she is- Her mom said she was outside in the back but she wasn't and-"

Bonzo grabbed Bree and pulled her close to his Chest, which muffled her voice a bit as she kept talking into his Chest. Zed gripped his hair and pulled it a bit. " aaaAAAAAA!!!" He screamed in frustration. " Calm down man, I can track her phone." Eliza said calmly as she pulled out a Tablet she had made herself. Zed, Bree, and Bonzo crowded around it. " Atatatata- Back up, Please. You're making me overstimulated." " Oh, Sorry." The Three of them took some steps back.

" She's in the Woods..?" Zed gasped. And took the tablet from Eliza. " The Werewolves.. They kidnapped her! Oh gosh.." Zed handed Eliza the tablet back and took off running. " WRONG WAY!!" Zed turned around and went the right way. Eliza groaned and chased after. " He's lost without me." " Uh- I'm coming Too!!" Bree said, running after Eliza. Bonzo said something in Zombie and Chased after them Aswell.


Addison and Willa held hands as they Giggled and jumped in and out of the Bamboo poles with other Werewolves. It was some kind of Dance thing the Wolves did for Fun, though Addison had learnt that people in the Philippines do it too. It was called Tinikling, though the Wolves called it something else.

Addison laughed as Willa spun her around and jumped out of the Poles, leaving Addison jumping by herself before she jumped out as well. The two laughed together until Willa broke it with a loud Howl. Addison howled with her, and then the entire pack joined in on the Howling.

Suddenly, a Wolf Pup jumped on Addisons chest, fully transformed into a Wolf. Addison giggled and held it like a Puppy, letting the Pup lick her face as she Laughed. Willa let out a laugh before she transformed into a Wolf as well and jumped on Addison too.

" WOLF PILE!!" Someone shouted before the rest of the pack turned into Wolves and jumped on top of Addison as she Kept laughing.


Addison sharply gasped as a familiar voice rang out. The Wolves stopped licking her face and stood Alerted. Addison sat up with the Pup still in her Arms and narrowed her eyes when she saw Zed standing at the Entryway.

" Zed?!" She let the Pup go and stood up, the wolves spreading out and growling at him. " What are you doing here?!" " Im here to save you!" " SAVE ME?! I don't need saving, I'm Fine!" Zed got closer to Addison, and Wyatt flung himself infront of her, his hair on end as he growled and barked.

Zed slammed his Wrist on the side of the cave and his Z-band popped off. Addison was frozen to the spot and she didn't have time to react when Zed stomped over, Picked Wyatt up by the scruff of his neck, and flung him into the other side of the cave.

Wyatt yelped in pain as he hit the side of the cave, making Addison scream in Pure Terror. The other Wolves then Attacked Zed while Addison was having a Panic Attack. She crumpled to the ground, Shaking as her mouth went dry and her heartbeat sped up.

All Addison felt she could do was just lay there in fear as she felt too Disoriented and Dizzy to Stand. Addison gulped down air as she watched the Fight infront of her. The ringing in her ears increased to much that she couldn't hear the commotion, but the ringing was unbearably loud and it hurt her ears. She simply curled up with her ears covered.

Eliza noticed Addisons current state and rushed over, grabbed Zeds Z-Band and breaking up the Fight to snap the Band back on Zeds Wrist. Once the Wolves calmed down and where over at Addisons side protectively, and Zed was back to Normal, Eliza gave him a slap across the Face.

" Ow! What was that for?!" Eliza didn't respond, she Simply pointed over to Addison. " Oh- Oh damn, DiDi, I-" Zed got close to her and tried to touch her shoulder, but she Flinched away and looked at him with big, Frightened eyes. The Wolves growled at him as he Jumped away.

" Shame on you." Wainwright said, coming out of nowhere from Behind Addison with an Injured Wyatt at her side. " What on earth did you think you where doing anyway? Breaking into someone's Home, Ruining their Party, and sending some Innocent Young girl into shock?"

" N-No, I thought I was helping her. We thought you where in trouble, Didi-" Zed went to touch her again, but she still flinched away. " Helping her with What? From having a good time?" " No, She said she needed help so we tracked her down and I thought... I thought she was Kidnapped by you guys."

Willa transformed back into a Human. " Why would we Kidnap her in the first place?" " Because—" " I wanted to be here." Addison lifted her head up a bit, looking up at Zed with wet Eyelashes and a Wobbly voice. " I asked for Help on Science Homework." Addison slowly sat up. " I was having a Nice time, Zed."

Willa helped Addison stand up on her wobbly Legs. " What is up with you now? Why are you like this? Why... mmh." Addison stumbled back, a hand on her head. Willa tended to her, brushing her hair aside a little and keeping an arm on her Back. " Ah, My head.. I think I'm ready to go home now."

Willa nodded and let go of Addison before doing what she did back at the house; Transforming as she went underneath Addisons Legs so Addison was nicely perched on her back. Addison looked over at Zed. " I'm willing to forgive you Zed, but not until you tell me what's been going on." " I... I don't know. It has nothing to do with You, but.."

Addison sighed before ducking down on Willa. " go." And Willa ran away with Addison on her back.

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