Twisting The Plot

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Tedros growled, kicking the bench he was once sitting on. What did I do? Did I say something? He pulled out his sword and began fencing again.

Waiting all these months just to see Agatha again has made him love her even more.

Tedros pushed his sword onto the tree, only to have it bounce back.

Agatha watched him from her window, frowning. She wondered why she didn't kiss him.

He just looked so handsome there, she chickened out.

Agatha grabbed her jacket, flinging it over her body and walked out of her room.

She was heading to Kiko, to talk about guy problems like they usually, do... Well like Kiko usually did.

Agatha knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer.

No answer. Agatha knocked again. No response.

"It moved!" One girl wailed. Sooner or later two other girls were yelling too.

"I can see it staring at me!"


Impatiently, Agatha pushed the door open to see Kiko, her older sister Gwen and her friend Rachel.

"What's all the fuss about?" Agatha asked.

"There's a spider." Rachel cried as she pulled Gwens hair.

"Owww!!!" Gwen screamed. She pulled Rachel's hair and it soon transformed into a little fight.

"Every night..." Kiko rolled her eyes as Agatha safely shifted the spider onto the windowsill.

"Thanks." Rachel said, smiling at Agatha. Agatha smiled back, plopping next to Kiko.

"So, Tristan asked me to be his girlfriend." Kiko smiled, her grin was so wide it began to ache.

"That's great." Agatha gave Kiko a little hug.

"Yeah, but don't think I didn't see that little thing you had going on with Tedros. You guys are so cute." Kiko giggled, poking Agatha.

Agatha rolled her eyes. "He was gonna kiss me you know." Kiko gaped. "But then I flinched..." Then her eyes sunk.

"Seriously?! He's been so anti-social with girls lately and then he gives you attention and you swat it away? You're crazy."

Agatha sighed, dodging the pillow that had missed Gwen's face.

"I can just imagine the wedding, you know, wedding bells, singing birds, me as you maid of honour." Kiko and Agatha burst out laughing.

"I've missed you so much." Kiko said, hugging her tightly.

Sophie sighed, releasing herself from the dress she once was in and putting on a black night gown. She smudged a face mask over her face, slicing an old cucumber from the kitchen.

She tied her hair back into a ponytail and clipped her nails.

"What a beauty." The mirror spoke. Confused, Sophie looked at the mirror as it morphed a girl into it.

She had black eyes and dark brown short hair with a black rag as a dress.

"Thank you." Sophie smirked, shaping her mask.

"Your pleasure. Now may I ask," The figure didn't take her eyes of Sophie. "Why are you here?"

"A long story." Sophie wasn't ready to tell this new friend of hers her tale. "You're too pretty for this hole. So am I."

"You used to go to this school?" Sophie asked, intrigued. "In fact, I was. I graduated here long ago in 1856 but apparently I was too evil to stay in the out world."

Sophie's face softened. "That sucks." The firgure smirked. "Are you evil?" Sophie rolled her eyes. "Of course not. I'm good."

"That's not what the storian said." Sophie cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?" The figure laughed. "I've seen your story. I remember the time you were brought here."

Sophie looked at the figure. "I remember how your roommates were mean to you, how they believed you were good, when you friend snuck in, when you made plans, when you attacked, when you had symptoms and when your roommates turned against you. I saw everything."

Sophie grimiced. "Well, I better be getting to bed." The figure frowned. "I admire your talent."

"I don't have talents... Of that sort. I'm good and that's all there is to it."

"You can accept it, I accepted it."

Sophie slowly turned around.

"You're just like me." The figure said.


"Really. If you trust me, I can make sure you never get into a mirror... Trapped for eternity."

"There must be a way you can get out of there." Sophie pointed at the mirror.

"There is actually. All you have to do is follow this riddle. I was never able to do it since I'm not allowed in the outer world."

"What is the riddle."

"The riddle is 'treachery amongst familiar'. I don't really know what it means, so we can work it out together."

"Okay." Sophie strutted to her bed, flinging her new duvet over herself and drifted to sleep.

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