Accelerator episode 10

Start from the beginning

"Oh shit, that rage was not the girl's. This is not ok, whatever has inhabited her body is not a normal or sane person by any stretch of the word. What the hell can be done against that? And the quick turn about? Fuck, that's not good." Yoshikawa groans, running her fingers through her hair, more than used to spotting insane from sane after working in the dark side with other researchers of questionable morals for so long.

"Poor Esther, she's so scared, so hurt right now. She wasn't expecting to stab Hishigata or to have to interact with the girl, not at all and because of that, she had no preparation for the off chance she didn't manage to beat the girl before she awoke. She's not going to have an easy time with this." Index mutters, long used to seeing through people, not that this girl is all that hard, not with the mask she wears that's extremely poor and the heart she bears on her sleeve. The poor thing might not ever recover from this.

"Damn...She really got him good, didn't she? He won't last long. At least he'll get to talk with Hirumi and finally see their dream come true. He was so worried about it, but at least now he'll die knowing it was accomplished. Not that he deserves death, but I don't think he'll last long. I hope the sister is better mentally then her brother, otherwise her reaction might fuck everything up." Touma winces at the thought, has plenty of experience with that since both Accelerator and Mikoto have had moments when they were definitely not entirely their, emotions shoved away so they don't have to deal with them or literally broken inside from the actions of others.

"Misaka wants to know what's wrong with that girl, because there's no way that was normal anger, she would know after living with dad for so long and having to deal with his temper, says Misaka Misaka, knowing that an icy cold anger like that speaks of many things like revenge and a plan that will devastated more than just a few things." Last Order can indeed think of several book plots similar and that is where her knowledge for this comes from, especially since she knows something is wrong with the girl, had been able to tell since the first time the girl's personality shifted. 

"What's the matter with you?" It's clear she has not yet spotted her brother or the blood on Esther's blade, much less how badly the blonde is breathing, how shaken she is, like she's about to collapse. "You seem upset." Hirumi moves closer still, but upon getting to her 4th or so step, she appears to slip on something, falling on her ass with a "Ugh!" The place where the cords connected to her back have little circles, perhaps like the ones on the corpses? She's got her arms wrapped around herself, a blush on her face. "Ouchie. That really hurt." Tears are gathered in the corner of her eyes from the pain. "And why am I only dressed in underwear?" She seems a tad bit different from before, but something is still not right with her. Esther has managed to gather herself in the time the girl has given her. "Is that...?" She looks conflicted, before jerking her head to the side, closing her eyes. 

"Aww. poor Esther. She's trying so hard to gather her resolve, she wasn't planning this nor was she prepared and it's biting her in the ass now. God, I just want to give her a hug." Yomikawa mutters, staring at the poor conflicted girl, wondering if she would even take the hug or if she would try to pretend to be strong, like a certain Esper she knows.

"The fact the girl fell... Either the download has messed with her and the whole holding still thing, or something has changed drastically with herself, the spirit possessing her maybe? It's hard to tell, but there is something not quite right about this. What could've possibly changed though?" Yoshikawa stares, trying to figure out what about the girl or soul possessing her could've changed, shifted or otherwise been affected by the damn formula Hishigata had installed, especially since this is a science she knows nothing about.

"That damn blonde idiot. I knew she wasn't going to manage this, she hasn't accepted anything or strengthened her resolve completely, the fuckin idiot. Damn assholes, not listening to me. Fuckin shit." Accelerator had thought she was getting there, but no, her resolve had wavered and shattered at perhaps the worst possible moment, leaving her unprepared and defenseless in a situation where her guard definitely needed to be up. Where the hell is Houtou when you need her?

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