009 ✧ Our Lingering Ghosts

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A/N: Hey hey, enjoy :) Fi has a run-in at work and starts to wonder about the people around her. TW: Panic attack. **Please leave words and votes or rec if you like the fic. I'm Hunnybee038 on Tiktok. Excuse my tired eyes.

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Eddie felt a strange churning in his stomach as he pushed a glass door open and heard the bell that next day. Changed from his kitchen attire, he flashed a smile at Phoenix behind the counter. She acknowledged him with a glance and finished checking out a group of girls. They giggled as they went and Eddie shifted to get the door with his lips upturned.

   "What a gentleman," Phoenix teased, crossing to the barrels of beads to pour some new stock into the correct places. "Early as usual."

   "Maybe I want to shop. I like the place and the silver figures of wizards and dragons and shit have a hold on me," Eddie turned his nose up, hands in his vest pockets as he went behind the shelves. Phoenix hovered a pen down a clipboard, checking items off.

   "Was that you leaving at like three in the morning? Thought I heard the door but I was out of it."

   Eddie's chuckle came from the corner while he wandered to the displays.

   "Got up for some water is all."

   "Steve didn't whisk you away, hm, as he so loves to do," Fi peered up as he poked around a bookcase. Hiding behind his hair. "I figured the boy fest was back on or something at a questionable hour."

   "Nah, but I do think he just wants guy friends his own age."

   "Yeah, you guys are friends with a strange amount of children."

   "Birds of a feather, Fi," Eddie curved back to browse. "If you wonder so deeply about the boy fest: Steve and I just go to smoke some green. We talk about art. Philosophy. Politics. Typical guy stuff."

   "You're very important people," she played serious and Eddie heard the bell toll. Phoenix's clipboard clattered onto the desk. A gasp hitched as her voice changed. "You can't be here, Mr. Downs. Helen told me-"

   "She's not in?" A voice slurred and Eddie hurried out of the shelves. Phoenix stood with her shoulders high. A disheveled older man with growing stubble and red-rimmed eyes. Older. Drunk in broad daylight.

   "You need to leave, she told me to call the police if you came back again-"

   Hands slammed down and Eddie crossed. More like he flew forward to make a barrier as if he was in the pit at a concert. Fuck, he missed those for summer.

   Mr. Downs backed away with a stumble at the metalhead puffing up. Eddie put himself in front of the counter. Face scrunching.

   "Fuck'er you?" Mr. Downs smacked at the register before Eddie could speak. "She owes me my cut! Get her on the phone, Deloria!"

   "Courts said otherwise," Phoenix hissed. "Get out."

   A sweep sent a counter display of cards smashing centimeters from Phoenix. She cried out, cringing aside as Eddie shoved the guy away at the same time. Sent him toppling into a display of books to the floor. Phoenix crawled around the counter but the bell rang again.

   "Andrew!" A snap charged from a dainty voice box. Helen clutched her purse as Eddie stood over the drunk fumbling to get himself back to his feet.

   "Piece of shit freak pushed me," Andrew wobbled and stumbled to his ex-wife. Seething and barely able to speak.

   "Andrew, you know you can't be here," Helen's strangely calm disposition fluttered back. Like she knew something everyone else didn't but she always carried herself that way. Phoenix felt out aimlessly for the countertop until Eddie closed the distance to crouch.

shadows of the night. // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now